Chapter 49

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Scott's POV

Fang sneakily leads the group out of the hotel room and downs the hall. Not a soul in the party knows where we are going, all we know is that are going to hide. All of this is bad and confusing, even for us. There is unknown factor being draped from our knowledge. I would ask Stiles to read Fang's mind for the information, however, he's out cold. From the confusing information I obtained earlier, I now know he has not only had lack of oxygen, but has been bitten by of those corps sharks. I can't bare to see my boyfriend in this state. Ever since I found out about his power he's been nothing but a bad ass. I never thought in my days that Stiles Stilinski would be kicking butt and taking names. To add to that, I never thought he'd be getting tattoos or running at super speeds. However, the most shocking of them all, I never thought he liked me. That true to god, honest fact. In middle school I started feeling things for him, started feeling strange about other guys. Instead of holding back my feeling, my nervous, little eleven year old self admitted my feelings to Stiles. Who would have thought that it wasn't just a phase?


I wake up to my best friend, twirling my thumbs around one another. This was it, the day I tell Stiles how I've been feeling lately. I can honestly say this is the scariest moments of my life. What if he hates me? I don't care if he does feel the same way, I just don't wanna lose a friend today. It would shatter my soul into a million pieces.

"Ay, Scotty. What's up?" He asks. I take a deep breath in and try to control my shaking. He takes notice in my behavior and places a hand on my shoulder. I can 'proudly' say that it made this ten times as hard for me.

"Um, I have a problem." I utter. Beads of sweat coat my face. I just need to do it. He needs to be told straight up. I need to tell him straight up and push these feeling aside for our friendship's sake.

"What your problem, bud?" My best friend of five asks me. My palm go clammy and skin becomes white like a ghost.

"Uh-Ah...Well... I like someone..." He smiles with a gaping expression.

"Wow, who's the lucky lady?" He asks with a wink. I blush slightly, making him chuckle. Oh my god, that laugh is so sweet. He's so cute with his dimples and pearly white teeth. I also think he has cute little moles. Is that creepy to think? Yeah, that's overstepping a bit. Okay! Moving on!

"It's not a lady..." I mummer quietly. I hoped he wouldn't hear me. Sadly, I was deceiving myself. He is now looking at me with wide eyes.

"A guy!?" I cover his mouth and 'shush' him. He grabs me and pulls me into an empty, dark room, slamming the door behind us. I look around at the room, try my best not to look at him. This was way more awkward than the time I accidentally slapped a girl in the VJ in fifth grade. "How come you never told me you were gay!?" Stiles adds to his question.

"I don't think I'm gay I just think it's a phase and-" Stiles cuts me off by holding up hand while shaking his head.

"Scott, before you assume, figure out yourself. Now, who is this guy?" My best friend asks sweetly. I gulp and draw in a breath. Well, here I go.

"You." He free-

-Flashback over-

I snap out of my though by a webbed hand gliding over my cheek. I glance down to see sleepy looking Stiles smiling down at me. My face couldn't help but for a smile, reflecting his expression. I don't know what it is, it's just everytime I see that expression it's breathtaking.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" The hybrid questions/ yawns, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"You." I answer with a smile. He slightly blushes and rubs his eyes with one hand. It is really cute if you ask me. He looks like a baby with his tired face. I just want to pinch it and kiss it and, God, Jesus if I don't want to caress it all days long. If it wasn't for the shit going down, me and him would be laying back in our hotel room bed, cuddling while watching netflix. Yeah, being supernatural may be amazing, on the contrary, it does get in the way of you love life. It's a bummer, however I can also say it's the best thing I have behind family and Stiles.

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