Chapter 29 *Crossover Pt.10*

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Stiles-1 POV

Stupid Scott, always picking that bitch over me! I understand that he does it just to be on her good side and because he wants to be a good boyfriend, but why does he never see the pain and trouble she is causing everyone else? It's not just me she's hurting!

"Hey Stiles, wait up!" A familiar voice calls. I turn to see myself and his Scott running towards me. How did they even get in here? Eh, it doesn't matter right now. I roll my eyes and continue to walk up the stairs as if I didn't see them. This did not work very well, however.

"Oh, hell no! You did not just roll your eyes at me!" I feel something grab me by the neck and carry me down the stairs at a super speed. My gums flap in the wind until we come to a grinding halt in the middle of my living room.

"What the hell..." I look back to see the other me grinning ear to ear.

"Hello, this is your conscience and I say 'Quit being a drama queen'!" He tosses me onto my couch and I groan in frustration. I swear if I could kick his ass, I would, but I'm afraid that he'd probably beat me up, so that's out of the question. "What do you want?" I narrow my eyes at the other Scott and the other Stiles. "We wanted to talk." The other Scott shrugs.

"About?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What do you think? Your Scott, of course!" The other me says as he sits down next to me. The other Scott sits on the other side. "You are so angry about that boy liking that stuck up snob and not you! I get that you love him with all your heart, but in the words of Sting, 'If you love something, set it free'. Trust me from my own experiences, Scott McCall isn't the best knight in shining armor!" My doppleganger lectures. The other Scott throws his hands up in defence, but he is silenced by me. "Don't either of you dare say a word, I am so pissed right now. I am willing to rip your manhoods off and feed them to a pack of wolves. Don't test me. This is not just about my feelings for Scott." I growl.

"I just can't help it. I love him too much." The other me whimpers mockingly. I slam my head down on the coffee table. "I thought you were supposed to help me, not bully me like this." I comment as I lift my head up again.

"I am not bullying you! I am just trying to say that if he loves someone as cold as Samantha and always puts her over you, then maybe this Scott just isn't worth it." The other me protests.

"Yeah, maybe you could have gone about that message in a nicer way though." The other Scott smirks. The other me rolls his eyes. "Shush, I'm trying to help my counterpart out here." He gestures to me.

"Look, I appreciate your gesture, really, I do, but I think it is probably better if you two just left me alone. I need to figure out a plan to get that mirror back anyway. The Emerald Sea isn't easy to get to. I almost died! I'm sure Samantha almost died if she went down there as well, but she won't admit it, of course." I tell the two teenagers sitting on either side of me.

"What is so bad about this Emerald Sea anyway?" My counterpart questions.

"It sounds like a nice place to me." The other Scott adds.

"Haha, well, maybe it is a nice place, but getting there definitely isn't." I sigh. The other two cock their heads in confusion.

"You don't know how many times where I felt like giving into my doubts and either take an easy way out or be consumed by the darkness." I begin to explain.

"I haven't really told anyone what actually happened down there, but I guess I can tell you guys. First of all, there were so many monsters down their. Sharks, sea witches, sirens, you name it. There was even a creature that I didn't even know what it was down there. I ended up killing it. If I hadn't... well, let's just say that I wouldn't be here today to tell the story. A sea witch tried to trick me into selling my soul so I could save Scott, my father and even my kingdom. I was so close to making that deal, but I didn't. I still wonder what would have happened if I did take the deal. Anyway, I was also swallowed up by the darkness, which made me feel helpless and alone, making me lose all hope. There must have been some sort of spell in that darkness. I barely had any food, there were currents that made it almost impossible for me to swim through, which shouldn't be the case. Merpeople should be able to swim through any ocean current. Even seaweed tried to trap me! Like, seriously? Seaweed is evil now? Anyway, the main thing that got me through it was thinking about Scott. I just had to save him, no matter what the cost. I love that boy with all my heart. I risked my life for him and just the thought of him helped me to keep going." I tell the two teenagers.

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