Chapter 30 *Crossover Pt.11*

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Lydia POV

I'm putting my makeup on when the mirror starts shaking. I frown in confusion. Then, I hear it. The ear piercing scream that sends shivers down to my bones. I cover my ears with my hands trying to block it out. "Lydia!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs, assuming that I am the one screaming. I scrunch up my eyes, not wanting to hear the sound any longer. It kind of sounds like Stiles. Is he in trouble? Finally, unable to bare it, I open my mouth and let out a banshee scream.

Malia POV

I walk towards Derek's loft, assuming that is where I am supposed to meet everyone else. Suddenly, I hear a loud, ear splitting scream. I cover my ears with my hands quickly, trying to block out the noise. "What the hell is that?" I growl. It sounds like Lydia's scream, but I know it isn't. That is, until I hear Lydia screaming too. I run towards Derek's loft, hoping that someone will have an explanation for this before my ear drums explode.

Samantha POV

I wake up to the sound of screaming. I sit up with a gasp. Please make it stop! I whimper as I cover my ears. What the hell is going on? Suddenly, another voice rings through my house, screaming just as loudly. I squeeze my eyes tight shut and rock backwards and forwards. "Please make it stop. Please..." I whisper shakily, completely terrified and not knowing what to do.

Kira POV

I am about to text Deaton to ask him where we all should meet up when the windows start rattling. I stare at one of the windows in confusion. Suddenly, I hear a painfully loud scream. I gasp and almost drop the phone. I clamp my hands over my hears, trying to block out the awful noise. I need to find out what is going on. I hope no one is in trouble. I run out of my house and run towards the animal clinic to find Deaton and hopefully the rest of the pack.

Deaton POV

As I'm treating an injured dog, without warning, all of the animals in the clinic start whimpering and cowering back into the corner of their cages. I frown in confusion. What on earth could cause this? Suddenly, a loud and horrible noise washes through the animal clinic. It sounds like some sort of scream. It couldn't be Lydia. It doesn't sound female and I'm really familiar with the banshee's scream anyway. Then who and what is it? I quickly pull out my phone and dial Derek's number. I try to ignore the painful noise, but it is hard. Derek picks up on the seventh ring. "Get everyone to meet at your loft. We need to talk." I shout over the screaming. I think Derek understands because he hangs up the phone quickly. I grab my keys and race out of the animal clinic, making sure I lock up first.

Liam-2 POV

I was hanging with my other self playing go fish and Derek was brooding in the corner when a scream rings through the air. I glance at the other me and we pounce to our feet. That sounds like a male banshee scream, but I know it wasn't the case. Banshees can only be female, plus I know that tone in particular. It's sounds like Stiles and I have no doubt in my mind that it is him.

"What was that?" The other Liam asks me.

"My best guess is Stiles. I think something is wrong."

Brody POV

Taylor and I were swimming around and having a good time when all of a sudden Stiles' sirenex scream echoes through the water. My boyfriend and I share a look before he points to the surface.

"I'm guessing you are needed. Go, I'll be fine alone." Taylor assures me. I smile and give him a quick kiss before swimming up to the jetty. I manage to pull myself out of the water and onto the jetty. Then, I flick my tail a few times before the tail changes back into legs.

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