Chapter 27

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I sat on the porch with Judith in my arms and watched Skylar run around the yard with a toy airplane in his hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up and it was Rick. "Hey." I said smiling at him "Hey." he said making faces at Judith and I laughed "Are you sure I can't come with?" I asked Rick "Yes Bailey, you are still pretty dehydrated." "Rick I can help, I want to help." I whined "You can watch Judy." he said laughing "ugh!" I grunted loudly "Judy your daddy is driving me crazy!" I told her "He's right!" we heard Daryl yell from the inside and we both laughed after i grunted again "Your Uncle Daryl is killing me too." I told Judith and heard Rick and Daryl laugh. 

Rick walked away and Daryl walked up to me "hey lil ass kicker" he said taking her from my hands "You're really killing me. You know that?" I asked him "And you know you love me and I love you." he said giving me a smirk and bouncing Judy up and down. "You're a little shit." I said laughing "But you love me." he said leaning in and kissing me. "I guess you're right" I said smirking "Okay well I need to go see Denise she wants me to get something for her or something." he said "alright." i said taking Judith from him and kissed me "One more." i whispered and he kissed me again, and started to walk away "Be safe." I yelled out to him "Always am." He called back. and went to talk to Skylar.

I put the baby down for a nap and walked outside with the baby monitor and walked around looking for any of my brothers. "Hey Bailey!" I heard Michonne yell from the watch tower "Take over for me real quick?" "Yeah sure" I yelled running and picked up a gun and she jumped over the gate. I just kept watch waiting and wondering where she went and why she left.

I saw Carl climb over the wall and almost went over to see him but realized i was still on guard and then I saw Enid jump over the wall too and run but not towards Carl but away.

Later Michonne came back with Spencer who was holding a shovel and both looked pretty exhausted. Neither of them said anything I just opened the gate and let them through. Spencer just kept walking and Michonne took my gun. "You can go." she said and I nodded and walked away "Thank you." she said and I nodded.

I walked towards the house Judy was in and I saw Carl rocking her on the porch and so I walked away towards Maggies house to have a visit and just talk. I walked along the street and I heard something like crying, "Hello?" I asked and heard nothing. I walked into the shadows in between houses and then I saw her, Enid. "Enid?" I asked and she looked up at me "I'm fine, I'm fine." she told me "It's okay to not be okay." I said sitting on the ground and holding her. "Whats wrong?" "It's Carl." "What about him?" "We went in the woods today again." she paused "I asked him why we kept going and he said it's because we were kids and thats what kids do. I don't even know what he means. Also we found Deanna, well her walker self anyways, and he wouldn't kill her he sent her towards Spencer. He wouldn't kill her." She stopped and continued to cry "He is just so different." "Enid, there is honestly so much he has been through I wasn't even there when he had to go through some of this stuff. When his mother, Lori, gave birth to Judy she died during birth. He also had to shoot her so she didnt turn, he believes that a loved one should do that not a stranger. He thinks it gives them better closure, it gave him better closure, and about him saying its because you guys were children its because you guys are. And you both are kids but you have both been through so much stuff you two shouldn't have had to go through any of the stuff you guys have had to" And after Carl got shot I think he just wants to be a kid again, he wants to not have to be an adult, but if you don't want to go out there you shouldn't. Just let Carl be Carl for know he has to work some things out but he will be okay." I sat there with her in my arm rocking her "Thank you Bailey." she said and I continued to rock her. 

I walked her back to her house "Bailey do you think I could stay with you tonight? I'm sorry I just, I just, have been alone for so long and I don't want to be alone tonight." "Of course you can stay with me come on." I said smiling and taking her arm.  We walked back to the house together.

I got to the house and gave Enid some clothes to change into and I went to the boys room. I opened the door Gage was asleep but Skylar was still up. "Hey kiddo." i said smiling "I can't sleep Bailey." he said sighing "Come on." I said laughing and he hopped out of bed. "Sleepover?!?" "Sleepover." I told him.

We got into my room and Enid was sitting on the bed. "Okay here we go." I said "Get into bed munchkins." I hopped in the middle of them and ran my fingers through both of their hairs. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting to sleep and I was out. I woke up when the door opened and when my eyes adjusted I saw it was Daryl "hey." I said smiling and sleepily "Sleepover?" "Yep. Get in." He laid down next to Skylar and he left my side and went straight for Daryl. 

"I think he might like you more than me. I'm a little bit jealous." I said "This is the first time a kid has liked me." he said looking at Skylar "I don't believe that." "Well, I mean it's the first kid ive ever really talked to besides Carl and Judy and I mean they like me so thats it really." "See kids like you, no they love you." I whisperd leaning in to kiss him.

"I love you and I'm glad you're back." I said looking at his gorgeous face. "I love you too." he said leaning in to kiss me again and I continued to run my fingers through Enids hair and holding hands with Daryl, falling asleep in a very very happy manor.      

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