Chapter Five

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I did this at school btw.


Oh shit. It couldn't be him no. It's impossible. It couldn't be Trent no I thought he died. Fuck.
I stood shocked as my face went pale. Luke ran and grabbed me by my waist. I melted into his chest but I was still pale. I looked around and saw Trent walking to us. I growled at him as everyone tensed. "Oh don't act like that my dear angel pup." "Fuck off Trent." I growled. I heard everyone growl around me. "Oh now that's not the right way to act my dear mate." I heard Luke growl behind me. "Your mate?! No buddy she is MINE! So you better back the fuck off or I swear to Luna you will die a torturous painful death." Luke growled behind me.I heard Trent's threatening growl. "Oh. You are fairly mistaken Alpha Luke. She isn't you Luna but my mate!" I saw Luke's dad step forward and shift into a big black wolf with icy blue eyes. I heard clothes rip as everyone else shifted except for Luke, Trent, and I. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Luke growled. "Oh. I chose the easy way, but I don't think your going to give her up to me that easily." Trent said as if it was no matter. Trent growled then shifted to his wolf. It was gray with white paws and stinging orange eyes. I turned and walked out of Luke's grasp so he could shift. The moment I did he shifted into his large black wolf that had bright yellow eyes. I turned into my white wolf as Luke's parents gasped but shoock it out. Everyone circled areound me except for Luke. Him and Trent were circling around each other. Trent snapped at Luke lunging. Luke dodged him easily tripping Trent. Trent got up shaking his fur then junging out at Luke again. Luke again dogded Trent but lunged toward Trent grabbing Trent's neck biting down. Trent fell limp in Luke's grasp. "Luke let him go." I said firmly. Luke dropped Trent. You could see the small rise and fall of his breathing. I walked foward still in my wolf form. "This is for the shit you put me thorugh." I growled. I broke all of his bones except his neck. "Get me some silver and Bleach." I growled out. Luke's dad got the needed items for me. I bit into Trent's  stomach earning a whimper from him. I took the silver shoving it into the wound, pouring the bleach on it making it sizzle as Tren't body shoock  in spasms, then he took his last breath whispering so no one could hear me "Lifes a bitch brother." then his body went limp, dead.

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