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It was dead silent inside the dark and damp basement; flickering of the nearly dead bulb in the ceiling flashed over the crimson splattered walls. The only thing that severed that silence though, was the constant gagging of another human being. Ah, how soothing it was to hear them choke on the couple of razer blades that you had slipped down their throat one at a time. Slicing and ripping their esophagus as they tried to swallow them, though the blood was making it hard even harder to make that possible, not to mention messier.

Together with the burning yet sweet taste of your red rum, your eyes never teared away from the other person whom was blindfolded and screamed bloody murder while dreading deeply the lost of his irreplaceable limbs.

You finally take a seat in a fold-up chair. Legs and arms crossed, while keeping the same pace of your sips going. It was like music to your ears, and no one else could enjoy the mini symphony that played on and on in your ears. How lucky you were.

Because of the consistent pace of your drinking, you finished the glass in no time. Placing the empty glass down next to your chair, you reached in your pocket for your phone. It began to ring shortly after you dialed the numbers of someone in particular.

"Hello? Kuroo-san? Yes, it's me." You chuckled. "Kuroo-san....I...I did it again."

"(f/n), where are you right now!" He shouted through the phone.

"I don't wanna tell you that. I don't want to get you into trouble...Besides...I'm just about tired of getting you involved in my affairs." And then you ended the call.

"Well's about time for my solo." You picked yourself up and walked over and positioned yourself under your instrument. It took me so long to complete this piece...and now...after all this time...I can end it."




Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now