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A/N: Here's late part 10. Hope you guys enjoy T_T

After that day, Tastsukichi made sure to clean up the mess with great care. He pulled and removed the tile flooring and replaced it. All with a new glistening coat.

For the next couple of days, you more or less stayed cooped up in the room that Oikawa had given to you. With your knees tucked up to your chin, and your arms wrapped tightly around them, you sat and thought about the blood stained knife that carried Nakamura's blood. The blood stained knife that you held, and used to end his life.

Self defense was a thought that tried to stray you from the guilt, but it wasn't enough. You brought another human being's life to an end. You.

What about his family and friends? All the ones who had held close to his heart? The weight was immense. And the more you continued to think about it, the more dull the rest of your emotions became.

"Araragi-san?" There was a knock on the door accompanied by Oikawa's voice.

"What do you want?" you responded with a monotone voice.

The door opened, revealing the devious man to your chambers once more. "It's been a couple of days since the last time you've had class. I think it's about time that we start again, right?"

"Leave me be."

"Aw, has our dear Araragi-san become stoic?" Oikawa walked up to your bed with a smirk drawn to his lips. "I wish I could help you to cope with this feeling, but I can't. I don't know what those negative feelings are," he took a seat at the edge of your bed. "The ones that you're carrying in your heart. I only know of pure joy. Nothing more."

"Of course you would, you sick fuck."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Go away! I don't care for your shitty classes. I just want to be left alone."

"Araragi-san, Nakamura was a little bastard, who I couldn't stand myself. I've known him for a bit myself, and I've got to say, that you're not the first woman he's tried to push himself up on. And seeing him push himself up on you, is about more than I can take. I can't have him touching a work in progress. What if he were to ruin you? I didn't want that for you."

That didn't make sense to you. Something about the way he spoke, told you that he did it more because you were a piece of work. "Why would you do something like that for me?"

Oikawa leaned in close to your ear, whispering, "because you're mine."

"I'm yours?"

"You are indeed." His eyes drifted down from your eyes, down to your neck, and chest.

"I belong to no one," you sneered. "You piece of shit." The anger which you thought was buried, along with everything else, was starting to flare up again.

He chuckled. "But, you do. Want me to show you?" Oikawa crawled his way up to you, and swiftly spread your legs apart. He noticed your trying to push your legs back closed, but his strong pull was no match for you.

"What are you doing? You pervert!" you shrieked.

"I'm giving you something to take your mind off of your first kill." He stated, while positioning himself in between of your legs. "Think of it as treat. I want you to enjoy it to your fullest." That said, hiked up your skirt revealing your panty.

Tears started to form in your eyes. "All you men are really the worst! You're despicable!" They then started to slide down your cheeks. "Evil! All of you should just die!"

"And I take each of your words in stride." Oikawa then took the garment by its hem and slid it down your smooth legs. Once it passed your ankles, he flung it way out across the room.

One of his strong hands sat on your waist, and held it firm. The other, was wrapped around your thigh, pulling your closer to him.

From the mere second you felt the glide of something against you, a gasp left your lungs. It was like you had forgotten how to breath for a bit. More tears started to spill out, as the weird feeling was trying to settle down inside your stomach.

But, what you thought was pure disgust, soon turned to pure goodness. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip, trying to deny the actual pleasure that you were getting from this. Yet, you found the pressure on your lip lighten, eventually leading to parted lips.

You were enjoying yourself. There were squirms and fidgets to match every flick and roll of Oikawa's tongue. Every suck he made, put an arch in your back, and a clench in your toes. The tighter his nails dug into your skin, the louder you wanted to make your pleasurable cries known to the outside world.

You didn't know when it happened, but those soft whimpers of yours turned into earnest moans. Moans that bounced off each of the 4 walls.

Honestly, it was music to Oikawa's ears. It was a sound that he was used to directing, but this piece in particular, was even more special than the rest.

The mere grip of those bed sheets weren't enough to ride out your high. There was hesitation in the hand that dared to take hold of Oikawa's hair. But as you felt an electric charge surge throughout your stomach, you had no choice but to take his locks in between your fingers.

It was nearing. Your high. And the way you unconsciously pushed him into you, let him know it as well. "Araragi-san, I want you to scream. Scream as if I'm stripping every breath of life from inside of you."

You threw your head back and screamed as if you were loosing your very life. You voice was clear, and rang perfectly inside his ears. Until it was nothing but a strain, you voice carried out until it was all over. You slumped back on the bed, fingers still loosely intertwined with Oikawa's hair.

When he lifted his head up, there was smirk, and a lively look in his eyes. "My God," his tongue slid across his lips, "that, was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard."

You couldn't speak just yet. You were trying to level out the breathing in your chest.

"I want to hear more."

You ran a hand through your messed up mane and sat up. "That," you took him by the collar and shoved him down in the open spot behind him, "was amazing." You were blushing nonstop, but couldn't help the honesty that dripped from your lips. "Give me more."

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now