Plot Points.

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been 4 years.... For some of you it's been much less but um I'm back not to update a new chapter, but to at the very least give some of the plot details to this story since I have no intentions of finishing it. Please forgive me for that, but I don't have the drive, nor time to pick this story back up again and give it an ending. I hope you guys enjoy this small look into what I had in mind for this fanfic back then.


- Being that you've become totally immersed in the killing like Oikawa, and become infatuated with him, Oikawa goes ahead and kills your dad. Though, he decides not to tell you, since you've never asked to see him some time after your first kill.

- Kuroo tries to stop you save you from falling deeper into Oikawa's bullshit, and ends up falling in love with you along the way, even saying that he wouldn't turn you in. But once Kuroo gets a phone call from you, he doesn't realize that it would be the last time that you and him would ever speak. When he rushes to your house, he finds you hung on the ceiling. Kuroo, who becomes traumatized by seeing his loved on dead, he weeps and begins to drown in sorrow, but soon goes ballistic and looses his mind. Kuroo then arrives at Oikawa's house and attempts to kill Oikawa himself. The both of them duke it out big time until they each get stabbed and die in Oikawa's main entrance.

- Kuroo becomes annoyed when he hears you are now engaged to Oikawa. He tells you that he's just using your for whatever he needs. You get annoyed though, and run off.

- Oikawa gives you the final task of killing Kuroo so that you and him could elope out of Japan. You're taken aback by him, but Oikawa wants to test your loyalty to him (seeing if you really love him and not cheating on him with Kuroo like you say you aren't.)

- Redrum= Murder - Starts out w/ reader talking about love for red rum. Then goes to her sitting in a blood splattered apartment with 1 or 2 characters in it. Reader-chan sleeps with a bisexual (female) character to get info/ make her fall in love w/ her.

"Am I nothing more to you than a stupid masterpiece?!" After shouted that, you go to your room and slam the door behind you. You then come up with a plan to get back at Oikawa for cheating on you, and goes to his bestfriend. At first, you play like you've forgiven Oikawa the next morning, but as they days go by, you finally move in to seduce his friend. The friend starts becoming infatuated by you and your immense charm and this leads Oikawa to get jealous and pissed whenever he sees the both of you acting overly friendly. Oikawa catches onto your plan, but decides to ignore it, since he knows that getting him jealous is what you want. Then one day, you go up to him and ask him if he's jealous, straightforward.

"Are you jealous?" You ask, smirking.

"Me?" Oikawa turned to you with a highly forced smile. "What reason do I have to be jealous over?"

"Shigure-san told me that you've avoiding him and giving him death glares all the time when you hang out.

After hearing this, Oikawa's smile fell from his face, and was replaced with a harsh scowl. "You've got a lot of nerve still hanging out with him, even though I told you not to."

You shrugged. "____-san just wanted to hang out."

"His version of hanging out would be getting into your fucking pants."

"He hasn't been that way with me at all. He's been a perfect gentlemen."

Oikawa scoffed, "the perfect gentlemen? That's what he always seems like at first."

"Y'know, he confessed to me today." That was a boldfaced lie on your end.

Hearing this, Oikawa becomes infuriated. "That damned bastard." His fists begin to tighten up. "I'll fucking butcher him."

"Would you?"

"What?" Oikawa looks to you, slightly confused.

"Would you kill your best friend for me?"

Oikawa is taken aback by your question, but followed up with a wide grin. "Anything for you, doll face."

"Do me a favor while you're at it, and kill that other bitch that you were with, too."

"Whatever you wish." Oikawa gets down on one knee and gently take your hand, bringing his lips to the back of it. Afterwards, he gather the both of them, kills them and asks you to marry him. You say yes of course.


A/N: And that's all about I've got folks. Short but that's what I had saved up try and make use of. Of course these are drafts and wouldn't be 100% be rearranged/changed but y'know.

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now