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~In breaking news, we're at the scene of yet another horrendous murder, that police say actually had just taken place only a few moments ago. They say that the someone, maybe the murder himself, called them to the horrific scene. Though, this wasn't the first time that they have been called in right after the murder.~

"Ugh," your friend of few years, cringed at she looked away from the t.v in the cafe, "I hate hearing about murder. I can't stomach it."

"I agree." You smiled at her scrunched up face. "It most definitely isn't a topic for regular discussion is it."

"Oops, look at the time. I've got to get going, (f/n)-chan. If I miss this interview, my dad'll be pissed."

"Ah, okay. I'll see you later." You waved off to your friend.

"Later~" She returned the gesture with one of her own, just before opening and disappearing past the door.

As soon as she was seen no more, your smile faded away. "Well, I guess that I should take my leave now." You glanced up at the television to see a young man with a messy mane explaining something to the news reporter. "There isn't anything interesting here anyway." You paid for your cup of tea, and shifted out of your seat with your beverage in hand.

On your way towards the door, two young men were coming in. Both dressed in snazzy suits. Glancing over, your eyes immediately met with one of them. A handsome brunette, whom had a bewitching air around him.

Being that you weren't paying attention, and that the other man wasn't either, you bumped right into the man walking beside him.

"Oww!!" The man jumped back right away. He looked down at himself, and saw the steam coming from the tea, which ruined his crisp and clean white shirt. "Son of a--I have a meeting to go to in 2 hours!"

You could feel 2 sharp daggers right on you. "What the hell are you going to do about this!" He continued to bark viciously.

"Sorry, I was looking where I was going..." You slightly bowed towards him.

"Clearly! Dammit, this shirt is expensive too. I hope you're going to pay for the dry cleaning bill."

"Screw that..." you muttered under your breath.

"What'd you say?! You fucking-"

"Now, now, no need to get all worked up. Shigure, I'll pay for your dry cleaning, don't worry about it."

"What the hell?" He turned towards his friend. "You're not the one who spilled tea on me! Let her-"

"Here," the brunette went into his pocket and pulled out a black wallet, "take this and stop your whining already." He opened it pulled out a few bills and handed it over to the man who went by Shigure.

"....Tch." Shigure snatched the money right out of his hand. "I'm going to go order." Shoving the money in his pocket, he went off towards the cashier.

"I apologize for my friends behavior. It wasn't gentlemen-like at all." He reached into the breast pocket of his gray suit and slipped out a business card. "My name is Oi-"

"Oikawa Tooru." You identified him. "I know who you are. You're one of the top composers in Japan. Not to mention you're very young compared to the rest. A real prodigy."

Oikawa seemed impressed by your knowledge of small information. "That's right," he smiled. "Are you, perhaps, a fan of my work?"

"I wouldn't say that, but there are certain pieces of yours that I have enjoyed thoroughly."

"Oh..?" He cocked a brow.

"Your pieces are beautiful, each with their own personality...at least that's what I think. In my opinion unless you really understand the deeper feeling behind the composition, then you'll only being hearing a wonderful sound and nothing more. The meaning of those feelings usually fly over their heads and they barely take into consideration what the composer might have been thinking, doing, or feeling before getting to write them. It's a waste...truly."

Amazed even more by your knowledge, Oiakwa smirked. "Is that so." He slipped his hands into his pockets. "You're without a doubt correct. Though, did you know that people have their own thoughts on how my music is interpreted, despite how I try to actually interpret them. The same must be for you, right. Tell me, what do you feel from my songs, my dear?"

"....You really want to know?"

"Oikawa nodded. "I do."

You looked around before signaling him to come closer. You placed your hand on his shoulder to bring him down and closed your lips in close by his ear. ".....They bring a very ominous feeling." You whispered.

Oikawa's eyes shot open. Though his outward appearance held onto a surprised expression, Oikawa could feel himself inwardly smiling out of control. "Well, well, well, isn't that quite the feeling."

"Yes, but it's just an assumption. I could be completely wrong. After all, everyone has their own interpretation of something, right."

"That's true..." Excitement was steadily building up within Oikawa. 'This girl....she could actually be the one...'

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I must go." You bowed slightly towards him. "Apologize once again to your friend for me, please." You took a one step towards the door before being pulled back from your arm. "Oikawa-san...?"

"Hold on. And just what might be your name, little lady?"

"....(f/n). Araragi (f/n)."

"Oho~ The daughter of the Araragi. I've admired your father's work ever since I was a little boy."

"I never said I was his daughter. I could have been someone else entirely. But, yes, I am she. Don't misunderstand anything, though. Just because my father is famous, does not mean that I have no name for myself."

"You're right, which is why I would like to take the time to get to know you, over a couple of drinks tonight?"

"You want to drink with me?" You cocked a brow. "Even though we just met? That's weird." You bluntly stated without hesitation.

"Is it really?"


"I don't think it's weird that a young man wants to take out a pretty young lady, out for a couple of drinks, even thought they just met. So, will you come and humor me tonight?"

You sighed. "...I guess I have time to indulge you tonight."

"Wonderful..." He smirked. "And, maybe your number wouldn't hurt either." Oikawa slipped his phone from out his pocket. He unlocked it and got to ready to fill in a new contact to his phone.

"That information might be shared after tonight. If I feel like giving it to you that is."

Oikawa chuckled. "Playing hard to get, I like it."

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now