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A/N: F***ing FINALLY!!!

"Nakamura-san," you strolled up to the man from behind, all by yourself, "it's nice to see you once again." Plastered on your face, was a forced smile that was eating you inside to make. On the other hand, Oikawa was standing a by the snack table, yet watching everything play out.

After, whipping his body around to face whomever called for him, Nakamura's whole mug lit up like a Christmas tree "(f/n)-chan, you came!" Nakamura thew out his arms and quickly wrapped them around you. "Where's your father?" He pulled away and started looking around, "I don't see him."

"My father isn't feeling to well at the moment," You lowered your gaze to the ground, thinking of the real reason why he couldn't attend the party, "he's come down with the flu."

"Really?" He placed his hands atop your shoulder, giving you a look of sympathy, "I hope he gets well soon, (f/n)-chan."

"Yes," you nodded.

"So, did you come out here alone? If you are, maybe we can keep each other company for the night." He said, with a big ol' grin on his face.

'I don't want to spend any time with you at all! But if doing something like this will bring me closer to saving my father, then I'll do it.' "I'm here alone." You answered.

"Great!" Nakamura grabbed up arm and looped it with his. "Let's go over to the snack table, I'm feeling a bit peckish."

Before answering him, your eyes swept across the room as much as it could to see if you could pinpoint where the detective stood. From where you stood, you could see that he was talking to "A--Alright..." And before you knew it, you were being dragged across the room and over to towards one of the walls where a table of snack was set up.

"Nakamura-kun," Oikawa spoke up, "long time no see."

"Hey, Oikawa-san!" Nakamura walked up to the secretly evil being and stretched out his hand for a handshake. "How have you been?"

"I've been good," he smiled, "and you?"

"Better," Nakamura took one of the small plates, "now that I've run into this wonderful lady." He said, grabbing your waist and bringing you close. "Can you believe she didn't have a date? Well, I've gone a fixed that up." He grinned.

"Hehe..." You forced a chuckle, but it ended up becoming awkward instead. When you looked to Oikawa, you could see a smirk on his face that made you develop an itch to smack it right off his face. All of this was that bastards fault.

"She was alone? Had I known, I would have snatched her up for myself before you." Oikawa chuckled.

"Too bad! She's all mine."

The more Nakamura clung to you, the more that forceful smile you tried to keep kept weighing down into a frown. 'I really hope they start handing out the awards soon.'

--Will all the guests start making their way to the seats at this moment-- Is what you all heard from the speakers set up in the room. It was as if the lord had answered your prayers in that moment. In any case, you were finally getting to sit down.

"Aw man, I didn't get to take any snacks yet. Oh well," he shrugged, "let's go take our seats."

"N-Nakamura-san, my seat has actually been placed already, so..." you trailed off.

"Oh, I forgot about assigned seats. I'll see you after the ceremony then, (f/n)-chan." He smiled brightly and went on his way to this seat.

As you went to your seat, which was in the very front, and looked around, you noticed that Oikawa's seat was nowhere near yours. He happened to be all the way at the end of the row you sat in. You sighed in relief, as you were finally able to have some time for yourself since before leaving the house with Oikawa.

The ceremony has finally begun and there are a few pieces made from a couple composers that were played in between the awards and whatnot. The pieces played, were indeed beautiful. Some of them were favorites, and others were new pieces that you hadn't come across as of yet.

At some point in time, Oikawa went up to collect his award after his name had been announced. As he walked up, with a proud smile to mug, your eyes became glued to him. You watched his every single move, until he was up on that large stage before you. During his speech, you could help but tune out and dive into your thoughts.

'The bastard really does create some exceptional and beautiful works of art, but...' You started to become reminded of his twisted words and deeds; how those pieces came into existence in the very first place: Murder. 'One of the most sickest, vile, and inhumane sins known to man was able to somehow produce the most beautiful pieces of music you ever did hear. How exactly am I supposed to feel about this right now.'

Your thoughts were soon interrupted by the sudden applause from everyone else around you. When you looked up to the stage once again, you saw Oikawa gazing down at you from just above. It was unbelievable how you were the only one who was able to perceive through that feigned bright smile of his. Behind it was a much more sinister and psychotic smile that would only be relieved to his victims. That was when you got to start thinking.

'Would I eventually be next? Will Oikawa kill me, too, once this is all finished?'

Another piece begins to play shortly after Oikawa returns to his seat. You had recognized the piece that we being played. It was most definitely one of Oikawa's. After that, a few more awards were received. Finally, it was time to collect an award for you father. As you went up, it was Oikawa's turn to take the time to finally stop and gives his thought on you.

'Even though she can't stand him, she kept up a swell act in front of Nakamura.' Oikawa smirked. 'I know she resents me right now for putting her through that, but it'll all be worth it soon enough. Araragi-san has the potential to do exceptional things with her kind of skills. If I help brush her up on her acting skills and preying skills, she'd be absolutely perfect. This woman is special, and with a little more work, before I know it, she will become my most valuable and prized masterpiece. That, I'm sure of.

"Nakamura-san, Araragi-san, how about the both of you come over to my place for some drinks?"

"Drink? I don't know, I'm not in the mood for any at the moment."and squeezed it lightly.

"Nakamura-san, let's go," you took his hand in yours and squeezed it ever so lightly. "I think it'll be fun." You grinned.

A smile eased its way to Nakamura's lips. "Well, if (f/n)-chan is going, then I guess I'll go, too."

"Great, let's go then." Oikawa smiled.

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now