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"Oikawa-san?" Your head turned wherever your ears directed you with his voice. With nothing but darkness surrounding you, you could only wait till the clocking of heels stopped in front of you. Following up from the feet, you felt a bit of relief when you saw his face. 

"Oikawa-san," you kept on trying to observe your surroundings, "where are we? Why am I tied up like this?"

"Well for starters, we're in my house, and the reason as to why you're all tied up, well, that would be my doing."

"Wait a second...why would you--"

"I just needed to test something out." He smiled innocently at you. "It's very important that I do."

You cocked a brow. "Test something out...?"

"Yes. You see, ever since you've told me how you've felt about my music, I couldn't help but think, 'what if she's the one'.

"'The one'?" Your brows creased."The one for what?" You raised your voice. "Oikawa-san, if this is some kind of sick joke, I'm not laughing, not one bit. I've had enough of this, let me go."

"Araragi-san, one thing that you need to know about me, is that I do not joke during serious matters." His facial expression became very hard. "And I can do no such thing as 'let you go'. Like I said earlier, I want to see if you're 'the one', so to test you out, we will be playing a game.

"A game?"

"Yes, it'll be a race against time." With a swift snap of his finger, another light flicked on across the room.

It flickered over a man, whose silent hungry gaze startled you even more than his presence. The captured man looked like he had been here for quite a while, given his dirty appearance. A week? Maybe even a month or so.

"Who is that?" You squinted. His face...it was definitely familiar; where had you seen it was the question.

"Allow me to introduce you to the other 'contestant'. Ayakashi-san, please meet the daughter of the famous composer Araragi Izuki , Araragi (f/n)."

"Ayakashi...? Wait, don't tell me--"

"Araragi-san, this is the infamous serial killer Ayakashi-san."

'I knew I'd seen that face before!' Being face to face with a serial killer, especially one who kills more women than men, it was only natural that your blood ran terribly cold, and your face turn as pale as a ghost. 'How in the world was he able to catch him? Did he possibly hire someone...'

"Haha, it took a bit more brute force than I thought to wrangle him up. He's a tough one, I'll give him that. In the end, I should have just knocked him out with a blunt object in the first place. It would have said me time and energy as well."

'Wait a--You're telling me that he caught this dangerous guy all by himself? Who is this guy...seriously...?'

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now