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The next day came around, it the door bell was now ringing, signaling the arrival of Nakamura. You and Oikawa both stood a few feet away from the front door, talking.

"Are you nervous?" Oikawa asked, a smile tied to his lips.

"Screw you," you glared at him.

He chuckled, "I'll take that as a no, then." He then side glanced you, observing the expensive dress that he had went out and purchased prior to Nakamura's arrival. "You're looking exquisite in that dress that I bought you, Araragi-san. But I wonder," he stepped in front of you, and took a knee to the ground, "are you wearing what I told you too wear?"

Oikawa lifted the the hem of your dress, and raised it up to the middle of your thigh. "Oh, so you are."

"You--You swine!" You smacked his hand away from you thigh, and fixed the dress.

"Me? A swine?" Oikawa let out a hearty laugh. "Rest assured, Araragi-san, my intentions weren't lewd in the least. I only wanted check if you were being obedient, that's all." And with that, Oikawa walked towards the door, and opened it up.

"Oikawa-san!" Nakamura stretched out his hand.

"Good afternoon, Nakamura-san," he, too, stretched out his hand to give him an firm shake.

"Where's (f/n)-chan?" Nakamaura's eyes only wandered a little before they came to a stop and locked on you. "There you are!" Nakamura stepped passed Oikawa, and came running your way.

'Why me?' you whined in thought. "H-hello, Nakamura-san," you bowed in greeting.

"I can't believe you're really here!" Nakamura, swept you up and off your feet and into his strong embrace. "I thought Oikawa-san was pulling my leg when he said that you'd be coming here as well. But you're really here!"

"Nakamura-san, don't you think that you're excitement is a bit off-putting towards Araragi-san?" After closing up the doors, Oikawa turned and looked to him with a quirked brow.

"Ah, sorry, sorry." he finally placed you back on your feet. "Please pardon my behavior my dear."

"Well then, now that greetings are out of the way, shall we take ourselves to the tea room, now?"

"Of course!"

And so that's where you all went. There was a bit of chatter going on, before Tastsukichi knocked and stepped in the room with a cart that had a tray filled with teacups and a teapot. While he was fixing the cup of coffee, you all continued to talk.

"Thank you, Tastukichi," Oikawa only locked eyes with his butler momentarily for 2 seconds, before a head nod was carried out on his part.

'What the hell does this guy even want me to do, anyhow?'

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now