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"Here is where you will be staying from now on, Araragi-san." Tatsukichi pushed open a door walked you in to an exquisite room. But seeing such a room was nothing special to you, since you've lived in luxury for a very long time yourself.

"I've prepared a nice hot bath for you. A towel and a change of clothes are placed on the sink. Well then, If you'll-"

You grit your teeth. "I don't care about any of that right now!" He stopped in his tracks. "I want to see my father, now!" You demanded.

"I'm afraid that's not an option at the moment." Looking over, you both noticed Oikawa propped up against the frame of the door. Arms crossed and watching you with a slight smirk to his face.

"And why the fuck not!" You lashed out at him next. "I want to see him! Let me see him!"

"Once I see that you're doing well here, I'll allow you to see your father. But, if you don't do well..." He smirked. "Well, you'll find out when the time comes. Overall, just make sure you do really good, and there shouldn't be any problems.

"...I hope you rot in hell..." You cursed him under your breath.

...The Following Day...

'And so began the days that I would be spending with Oikawa-san. On the very first day, I woke up early and had a silent breakfast with him. Right after I finished, I had a nice and hot shower. After that, I sat in my room, wondering when he was going to make an appearance.'

Just then, you heard knocking from behind the door. "Who the hell is it and what do you want?"

"It's me, Oikawa." He responded and turned the door knob to open up your room. "Come with me."

"...." You stood up from the bed and followed him on out the door. You walked down a hallway or two and passed many doors, until you eventually ended up in front of a big door.

Oikawa slipped out a key from his pocket and inserted it into the doors keyhole. Once the door clicked open, he shoved open the door and that's where you walked into a large white room. Besides the variety of weapons hanged on the wall, a chair, a dry-erase board, and a station with various switches and buttons and whatnot, it was completely empty.

"Why...are we in here...?"

"Training." He bluntly stated as he closed the door behind you.

"Training...?" You couldn't take you eyes away from the weapons. Most look more dangerous than others, while others looked simple enough.

He walked over and stood beside the weapons. "There's no need for you to use or learn about all of these weapons that you see here. All you'll need is something simple, not too complex."

"Why do I need to learn how to use them? It's not like I'm going to use any of them."

"Oh, but you will. One day. After we attend that party, the following days will very tragic, for those besides us of course. Anyways, I'll be teaching you on how to use both guns and knifes. But more importantly, different ways to capture, lure, and torture your victims."

"I don't want to do this..." You tried to tell him in a stern voice, yet it came out slightly shaky in the end.

Oikawa let out an exasperated sighed. "I was hoping that I wouldn't have to resort to this so early on the first day of your training, but..." He then slipped out a small remote from his pocket. It was similar to the one he was using last night.

He pressed one of the few buttons on the remote, and a screen slowly came down from the ceiling. The screen then flicked on, revealing to you something completely unexpected.

"Father!" Your eyes widened at the sight before you. He was being held captive within a dark room and bound by chains all around his body. It was just like how you were when you woke up, except your father was blindfolded and had both of his ears plugged. He was completely helpless.

"He can't hear you, Araragi-san. I had Tatsukichi-san plug up his ears for me."

"Dad..." You clenched up your teeth real tight, and your brows creased as much as they could and your tight fists began to shake with rage. "This is fucking ridiculous! Let him go! My father has nothing to do with any of this!"

Oikawa blocked out everything you were saying and strolled on over to the high-tech station and pressed a red button. It was a microphone that led to the speaker of that specific room. "Tatsukichi-san, do it." He told him.

Before you knew it, Tatsukichi had appeared out of nowhere and stood just behind your father. He leaned over took hold of one of your father's fingers, and swiftly bent it back until the bone inside was broken.

"GAAAAHHH!!!!" Your father screamed a bloody curl. He violently tossed about in the chair, nearly falling over from the excruciating pain. "FUCK! FUCK! FUUUCCKK!!!"

Tears began to well up as you continued to watch him suffer. "Stop it!" You barked at him. "Just leave him alone!"

"That's enough for now, Tatsukichi-san. Thank you for assistance." Oikawa turned back to face you once again. His expression wasn't so forgiving.

"I think you must have somehow misunderstood my character, Araragi-san. My patience for things are quite low, so I think you're going to want to do as you're told from now on. If not, your father will just simply pay the consequences for your folly."

You quickly wiped away your tears, and tried to hold back the next set that threatened to fall."....Alright...I'll do as you want...Just--just don't hurt my father anymore, please."

"That all depends on how well you do, my dear. Now," Oikawa slipped the remote back into his pocket and walked over to the dry-erase board, which he wheeled over in front of you. Plastered to his face was another smile, as he pointed to the chair not too far from where you were standing. "Once you take a seat, classes will begin." 

A/N: So sorry that it took so long to update guys, but here's chapter 5

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now