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A/N: Guys, I'm so, SO sorry, I honestly didn't think I'd be able to pick this story back up again. But, it's here. It's almost been a whole year, but better late then never at all, right? Anyways, "Madness in Redrum" is up and running once again.

"Araragi-san," Oikawa softly called out for you from behind your chambers door.

"What do you want?" your voice muffled from inside.

"I've come to inform you of your first assignment?" Oikawa pushed open the door and found you laying flat on your stomach, staring towards the ceiling.

"My first assignment? What are you on about?"

"Well, more like your first piece."

You were confused; but knowing how crazy the bastard was, of course you felt concern and fear for yourself.

"Your theme shall be: "Seduction."


As Oikawa closed the door behind himself, and took those long stride towards your bed, your eyes never left shied from his. The closer he got, the less air your lungs seemed to want to take in.

"Yes," he smiled, as he sat himself down on the edge of the bed. It was the smile of an angel, but with devilish intentions behind it nonetheless. "You're a very pretty woman," his reached a hand over to cup cheek opposite him, caressing it delicately, like a flower.

"And last night, it appeared that you had caught more eyes than just one." His hand trailed down from your cheek, over your collar bone and over your bosom.

'This son of a--' Your teeth started to grit and grind against one another in annoyance. "Don't touch--" you went to sit up, but was pushed right back down in .5 seconds. The pressure of Oikawa's finger tips as it continued to sink in your jaw, was too great.

'Why can't I move?' You had gone completely stiff, trembling at his touch. This man. This crazy, crazy man. He was too unpredictable for you to make movements of any kind.

"Don't interrupt me," he threatened. "As I was saying, I've got my ways of luring in my victims. For example: My kindness. You, however, do not. I think if you were to sharpen your acting and seductive skills combined," he leaned in close, "you'd be unstable. You'd be even sharper than any weapon that I hold in that room."

"Therefore," he released his grip on you altogether, "I want you to try your hand at seducing me." A smirk was starting to draw across his face as he observed your expression.


"You heard me. Come at me with your best shot."

"I'm not seducing you." You quickly sit up, and backed yourself up against the bed frame, so that there would be a distance between the two of you. "That--That's just not something that I can do."

Oikawa sighed, "I supposed it was a bit much of me to ask you to do it to me," he took to his feet once again. "If that's the case," he walked from where he stood, all the was to the other side of the bed, "then how about I be the one to seduce you?"

"No, that's not needed."

"Oh, but it is." Oikawa grabbed you up by the arm, and yanked you out of the bed with stumble and near fall. His smirk widened as he saw the fear in your eyes. "You're a clumsy one, it seems."

"Let me g--" before you could finish your protest, Oikawa had you pulled right up against his chest. The way his hand glided it's way from your back, all the way down to your waste, sent a shiver down your spin itself. "Stop."

Oikawa dipped his lips down by your ears, "are you scared?"

Unable to answer, you just stood there. Frozen by any sudden movements to come.

"You don't need to be scared. I can be gentle."

"Says the serial killer who's got my father locked in a fucking basement with a broken finger," you growled.

"Araragi-san, I want you to focus in on me. Focus on my hands, my lips, my breathing. When you're seducing your prey, you've got to be able to use everything you've got. Whether it be your wits and words, or just your body in general."

"Like this?" You reached your hand up and filled your entire fist with a section of his hair, puling him away from your ear.

"Are you into kinks?" he chuckled through his nose.

"Wouldn't a bastard like you want to know."

Oikawa's hand left your waste so it could grasp the arm you were holding him with. "I would." He squeezed your arm so tightly, that yelped out from the pain. "Is that what you would sound like if I were to bed you? If that's the case, then I think I could get used to that very quickly."

"You dirty bastard," you glared at him. "Unhand me."

"I'm not sure I want to.". The devilish brunette's parted lips started to near yours.

'He's not going to kiss me, is he?' Your eyes clamped down shut.

As if wanting to suck the very breathe from your chest, Oikawa inhaled. It was like he was getting ready to actually kiss you. With your lips only 1 centimeter apart--

"Young master?" Accompanied by the interrupting voice, was a knock to the door, "Are you in here?"

Your eyes snapped open. "Huh?" your eyes then wandered over to the door.

"Yes, Tatsukichi. I'm in here. Is there something that you need?"

"Yes, sir. A guest has arrived for you."

"Is that so. Then, tell them I'll be right with them."

"Right away, sir."

"We'll continue your classes later, Araragi-san." Oikawa pulled himself away from you altogether. "Hopefully you learned a little something from this." He then walked back around the bed, and towards the door. "Oh, and tomorrow, we shall have Nakamura-san over for tea. I know it's sudden, but I believe in you. Be sure you've got your own script handy." And with that, the door closed behind him.

'That fucker...' you cursed him. You were frustrated. Highly frustrated. Even more so, since he left you with nothing but arousal.

Madness In Redrum Oikawa x Reader x Kuroo ✒Where stories live. Discover now