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It was the first day of School. Tyler is a senior now and cant wait to leave this prison called 'school' uGH. At least he was in the advanced classes and was actually good at academics. 'How bad could this year be?' he asked himself as he walked in through the front doors of the school.

      Tyler wasn't really excited on this particular day; yeah people meeting each other for the first time over break. Girls talking about how they lost their virginities and guys talk about their stories about running away from the cops. (which for the record; they most likely never happen)

   Tyler didn't really fit in with most of the school. He was more pastel grunge and tumblr. Today he wore a pink and blue flower crown, a white collard shirt with a pink crosses sweater and black jeans with rips on the knees, and wore combat boots. He was feeling his look today so he didn't really mind the stares from new students and teachers.

    As he was walking to his newly assigned locker he noticed a loud sound coming from the other side of the hall.

it was Josh Dun

   Oh how he hated Josh Dun with a passion. He hated his fluffy multi colored hair. He hated his piercings, his tattoos, his face, everything. Josh was apart of the punk side of school. He was a rebellious soul at heart. He is also a flirt and every girl finds him 'Oh So Attractive'. Tyler barfed mentally. He rolled his eyes and started to put objects in his locker.

   "dude for homeroom i have room 102" He heard Josh speak. Tyler looked at his paper. 'Damn it' he mentally cringed. They both had the same homeroom. Tyler slammed his locker and stormed off. Josh saw Tyler walking. "Oh lookie here! Twinkle toes is mad" He chuckles.
"Fuck you Dun" Tyler flipped him off.
"looks like the princess is mad! wOH! guys you better stay away! he might be on his period!" Josh sarcastically said.
Tyler really didn't have time for this. "would you shut the fuck up? have you not stepped in a health class? do you understand how the male body works?" He rolled his eyes and stormed off.


    He didn't pay attention on what he had to say. He was trying to calm himself down and walked into Patrick. "Oh hey pat, i haven't seen you in a while!" Tyler smiled and hugged Patrick. "Yeah i had to go visit family over summer. They didn't even have internet cant you believe it?" Patrick shrugged and let out a sigh. Patrick was a sweetheart, he was Tyler's best friend. He was a band kid, he really likes being choir and band. He was a bit chubby but it was cute on him.

Tyler told Patrick about what happened earlier. "wow what a fuck tard" Patrick said. He adjusted his glasses and looked at Tyler. "honestly he's so unreasonable"He sighed. "yeah yeah" Patrick was distracted. "Pat? uhm Pat-" Tyler looked at what Patrick was looking at. It twas Pete Wentz. He was friends with Josh but also played in band. "boy... your really hitting it hard.." Tyler whispered. "what the fuck does that mean?" Patrick voice was very defensive "n-nothing" Tyler said. The last thing you want to do is fight with Patrick.

     The bell rang and the students look like roaches running away from the light or something. They all just ran and the hallway was mostly clear in less than 5 minutes. Tyler and Patrick went to there first class and started the day....

Oh how Tyler is going to regret going to school today.

new story guys💕 i swear its going to get better I promise aH
anyway bye bbys

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