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   After school was done, Josh walked over to Tyler's house. They lived by each other and it wasn't hard to walk there. He knocked on the door and waited for at least 2 minutes before Tyler open the door.

  "sorry i thought you where one of those guys who tried to sell me things" Tyler awkwardly said. Josh tilted his head in confusion. "mm, he came by a lot this week... uhh" Tyler said. It was the honest truth but he also noticed it was Josh so he cleaned up his home a bit before Dun walked into his home.!
"please come in..." Tyler walked out of the way and invited him into his room.

He couldn't believe has has Josh fucking Dun in his house. Why did he think this was a good idea, something bad is going to happen. 'What if he sets the house on fire? What if he tries to kill me? What if-' his thoughts were interrupted by Josh's cough. "so what do you have planned... like do you have supplies and shit?" He looked bored and tired. Tyler sighed and nodded. He pointed to the corner of the room where there was a poster board, some paints, colored paper, stickers, markers etc. "it looks like a 2nd grader threw up in here." Josh chuckled. "fuck off! just grab it." Tyler groaned.

"make me" Josh smirked. Tyler rolled his eyes. "Just get the damn box how hard is it to-"Josh interrupted him by leaning in closely. "what if i don't?" His voice tone changed. It was more flirtatious. "fuck you!" Tyler tried to look away. "hey, wouldn't it be better if it was the other way around" Josh was getting dangerously close to Tyler. 'i hope to god i don't get a fucking boner because of this' Tyler looked at Josh.

    "I don't think that-" Tyler was cut off by Josh Kissing him. He was taken by surprise, but also kissed him back. The kiss was very rough and a bit sloppy. Josh put his hands under Tyler's shirt held his waist. Tyler moaned into the kiss which made Josh want Tyler even more then he did. He disconnect there lips and then started to kiss his jawline. After the jawline, His neck. He started biting his soft sweet skin on a place that anyone, and everyone could see. Tyler grunted quietly as Josh made love bits all over his skin.

Tyler heard a car park into the driveway. "y-you have to go, i wasn't aloud to have 'friends' over today" He groaned. Josh bolted out the back door and ran to his house. Tyler studied himself in the mirror looking at the very noticeable hickey on his neck. "shit..." He sighed and realized what just had happened. 'Oh my god, i hate myself' He sat down on his bed and remembered the feeling of Josh's lips on his skin. He didn't entirely hate Josh.

me n my frien puppylester are talking about victorious *the show* I LOVED IT SO MUCH)

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