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   The afternoon came by and so did Tyler. Today he decided to go to Josh's house and actually attempt to work this time and not fool around. At this point he couldn't tell if he really hated Josh was really liked him. He walked up to the door and knocked on it. He got a text message saying:

its josh

also hold up I'm changing, you can walk in the house tho

  He sighed and walked in. He sat on the couch and looked around. His house is very... antiquated in a way. It smelled like old people. 'maybe he lives with his grandparents.' Tyler thought. As he was observing the room he saw Josh walk in. He wasn't wearing a shirt and was wearing basket ball shorts, his pink/red hair was wet. Tyler didn't realize he was starring at Josh until Josh said "Uh lets go to my room" Tyler blushed "O-Oh yeah okay!" Tyler got up from the couch and walked behind Josh walking into his room.

   His room was very neat and clean and had many posters there (mcr, panic!, arctic, etc.) He laid on his bed while Tyler sat on the floor. "so what do you want to do? like i was thinking we could do something about animal-" Josh interrupted Tyler "uh no" He sat up. "so what do you wanna do?" Tyler sighed and leaned his head onto his hand. Josh smirked "you." Tyler looked at him with wide eyes. "w-what?" He turned very red. "we could... you know... fuck?" Josh said quietly. Tyler couldn't really believe that Dun here was asking him to have sex with him. "I-uhm" Tyler said blushing. The blood in his body was running to his face, but thats not the only place it was going to.

"come on" Josh pulled him into his bed and laid down so Tyler was sitting on top of him. Tyler didn't want to admit he really was into him, like a lot. Josh was tugging at Tyler's shirt for permission. Tyler bit his lip and took it off quickly. Josh studied the love bites he gave him the other day. "you look hot" Josh commented, running his hands on the sides on Tyler's body. He sat back up but still straddling Tyler and started to suck on his skin again, leaving small kisses everywhere. Tyler was quietly moaning under his deep breaths.

Josh connect there lips and started to kiss each other. As the make out was getting heated Tyler started to grind on Josh, making them moan into the kiss. Tyler's bulge kept growing in his pants and it was getting extremely uncomfortable. Josh unbuttoned his pants and Tyler quickly took it off. Josh started to palm him through his flowery pink underwear. Tyler Grunted and started to dig his hand into Josh's back. "fuck-Josh" Tyler moaned. He tried to keep as quiet as he can. Josh Turned Tyler's body so he was under him. He quickly took off pants which to a surprise he didn't have boxers on. He leaned to his bedside table to get cherry flavored lube.

   He lubed up his fingers and waited for Tyler's okay. He started to insert the finger in, He waited a couple minutes till Tyler nodded for him to move. He kept moving up and down some times curling his fingers for a better angle.Then came the second finger, then soon after came the third finger. Tyler was hot mess trying his best to keep his moans quiet. After Tyler was finally stretched he took his fingers out. He lubed himself up and slowly pushed himself in Tyler. He grunted while Tyler was adjusting himself and said "p-please go." Tyler had his knees up near his chest as Josh slowly to thrust into him. The room was filled with heavy breathing and moans as Josh was picking up the pace.

Tyler changed his position where he was on his knees and his sweaty face was in the pillow, muffling his groans. Josh placed his hands on Tyler's thighs slightly digging his nails into him leaving red marks. "f-faster josh-shit" He was thrusting quickly, almost poring over the edge. Josh came still ridding it out. Tyler came right after and collapsing into the bed, Josh laid right next to him.

They covered themselves with a blanket and cuddled with each other. "i really do hate you" Tyler said hiding his face in Josh's chest. Josh chuckled "i really like you to" And they both fell asleep.


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