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    It was PE class and the boys where getting changed into their gym uniform. Tyler really didn't like this uniform at all. First of all it was mostly white and had had yellow tones to it which was not Tyler's color at all. It was also uncomfortably short, you could practically see Tyler's ass cheeks because of how perky his butt was. He mentally gaged and just shrugged it off. He walked out self consciously making sure his ass doesn't show. Tyler sat on the bleachers and waited for the teacher instructions. Josh on the other hand had other plans and sat next to Tyler trying to hide his obvious bulge. "Your ass looks so damn good in those shorts Joseph" Josh whispered. "your already getting horny, damn its sucks to be you, Dun" Tyler leaned back and crosses his legs. "come on Tyler, lets skip and do it in the bathroom, fuck thats hot" Josh bit his lip. Tyler was looking around searching for something for a moment. "oh sorry, i was trying to find when i said i cared" Tyler smiled and went back to thinking about his shorts. "feisty" Josh said.

    The PE teacher walked in and started to tell the class about how they where gonna play basketball and how they where going to divide the large group into 4 teams. Tyler and Josh ended up being on the same team. "i fucking hate you" Tyler walked away from Josh to get ready to start playing.

   Tyler was thinking for a couple seconds before the game started. 'what if i have a little fun with Josh, hm?'
and with that the whistle blew and people started to play. During the game Tyler would occasionally back up into Josh and brush over his bulge, shake his cute ass when ever he knew Josh was looking, and when he fell down he would get back up but with his butt sticking out.

   Josh knew what Tyler was doing but he wasn't complaining except for the fact he was sexually frustrated. Once everyone was in the locker rooms and changing, Josh went up to Tyler pining him to the nearest locker. "you listen here kitten, daddy doesn't like it when you tease him like that okay? Tonight your gonna get punished." He whispered into Tyler's ear. "okay" Tyler giggled. "what did you say?" Josh grabbed Tyler's throat.
"i mean, yes daddy" He whimpered. "good, see yah later" Josh let go of him and winked while walking away. Tyler was embarrassed and quickly changed.

Guys a friend from my school found my Wattpad
idk if she is reading any of my fan fiction (i hope not) but i think shes chill so I'm good :/ i hope
anyway sorry for not updating internet sucks yO
i also would like to point out that all the chapters aren't really connected by days or anything there just random kinky days, just so i can get you guys interested and i could be okay with writing whatever 
ok bye

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