Chapter Four

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vee_ano is mah homie. We are forming a slash alliance XD

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

I was tempted to beg off school sick today in order to avoid any contact with the two boys in my life (not that Dexter is necessarily in my life, aside from being a tentative new friend) but I knew my mom would catch me out if I lied.

                So I went, and avoided them both like the plague all day (except for in class, where Dexter innocently sat by me in both French and Maths, oblivious to the fact that I was trying to elude him) and even ate lunch in the bathroom, like some loser first former.

                After school I tossed my keys at Andie without a word of explanation and got the bus home, stupidly not realising that she’d still have to drive back to my house to give me back my car. She and the Anderson siblings wandered into my house slightly perplexed, surprised to find me sitting on the couch watching TV.

                ‘We thought you’d had a doctor’s appointment in town or something,’ Andie said, frowning at me in confusion. ‘What did you do, sprint home?’

                ‘I got the bus,’ I admitted reluctantly.

                Andie looked like she was about to question me further, but then she changed her mind and shook her head, letting it go. ‘Whatever, weirdo. Have you got lemonade?’ Without waiting for an answer she walked through to the kitchen and I could hear her rustling around in the fridge while Dexter and Teegan stood awkwardly in the doorway. I guess they weren’t comfortable enough with the fledgling friendship to know whether to sit down or not. Conflicted, I just stared at them.

                ‘Jeez,’ Andie muttered, reappearing in the doorway with a glass jug full of lemonade. ‘Rude much?’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Come on, it’s lovely outside, especially considering it’s October. Let’s go sit on the grass.’ Again not waiting for a reply, she grabbed the portable stereo from the dresser and told Teegan to get some glasses from the cupboard as we all followed her outside like this was her house rather than mine.

                She flopped onto the grass happily and poured everyone some lemonade before turning on the stereo to some bubblegum pop station.

‘Can we put on something heavier?’ Teegan asked longsufferingly after about twenty minutes of Miley and Justin.

Andie looked heartbroken. She loves Miley and Justin. ‘I like the Disney tweens,’ she mumbled as she fiddled with the station buttons.

‘My girlfriend likes them too,’ Dexter offered in what was clearly meant to be a supportive gesture. Two hearts broke simultaneously at his words. ‘She likes that Hannah Montana show.’

                Wordlessly, Andie settled on the heaviest station she could find, which was playing Machine Head.

                ‘That’s more like it,’ Teegan said appreciatively, but she was smirking. I think she knew we both had massive crushes on her brother.

                Not noticing, Andie just nodded. I think her mood had shifted so violently that even she was in the mood for Machine Head at this point.

                Discerning that he had done something wrong, but obviously not noticing what it was, Dexter shifted uncomfortably beside me on the grass, leaning backwards and resting on the heels of his palms. I was doing likewise and his hand brushed off mine when he put it down. He didn’t seem to notice, because he didn’t move it, but my breath caught in my throat and I fought the urge to do something stupid like slip my hand into his.

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