Chapter Nineteen

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Sunday, 30th October, 2011

So… I guess I had a sex dream about Dexter last night. It ended kind of… Well, first I’ll tell you how it started.

                So when I got back from work yesterday I planned on just relaxing around the house without worrying about Andie or Gary or what the hell was going on with Dex, or the fact that Teegan’s boyfriend’s best friend delights in being my personal terrorist (but then again I think Dylan probably inadvertently took care of that problem for me).

                But of course the fates had different ideas and I barely managed to collapse, exhausted, on the couch before there was a knock on the door. I opened it to a grinning Dexter, who walked into the house past me before I could even say hello.

                ‘I’ve been so bored all day, I’m glad you’re home,’ he said cheerfully, depositing himself on the couch I had just vacated. ‘How was work?’

                I couldn’t help smiling at that. Gary never asked me how work was, because he hated hearing about old people. ‘Good. Hetty asked about you.’

                Dexter grinned his big beautiful grin. ‘Really?’

                ‘Yeah. She called you “the miserable streak of piss with the shoe in his hood” though.’

                Dexter laughed. ‘Yeah…’ he said happily. ‘Good day.’

                I raised an eyebrow as I sat beside him, and he threw an arm around me casually. ‘So how was your day?’ I asked.

                He wrinkled his nose in distaste. ‘Boring. Teegan and Andie are both off double-dating again so I had nobody to hang out with, and television is surprisingly boring on the weekends. I need more friends or else I’ll have to learn to sleep longer on the weekends.’

                ‘Well you’ll have me all day tomorrow, if you want me.’

                Dexter looked at me, his eyes dark. ‘Oh, I want you,’ he said huskily, and my heart gave a very loud, very hard thump in my chest before his lips met mine in what turned into our steamiest make out session yet. After a few minutes I stood up, pulling him with me so we wouldn’t have to break the kiss, and blindly manoeuvred us towards the stairs and up them to my room so there would be no chance of getting caught. Once the door closed behind us all thoughts of anyone or anything else evaporated from my mind as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he closed his around my waist, holding me upright while my knees turned to jelly and I tripped forwards towards the bed. He fell back onto it and I fell on top of him, crawling forwards so I was hovering over him on my hands and knees, kissing him deeply, letting him invade my mouth and nibbling his tongue gently, making him moan.

                He flipped us over so I was on my back, and moved his hand slowly down my chest and abdomen, pausing at my waistband to rub his thumb slowly across my skin, causing goosebumps to erupt across my hips.

                Slowly, torturously, he moved his hand lower and I put mine over his, moving him faster as I groaned into his hair, his lips alighting against my throat softly.

                I gasped as his hand touched me through my pants, thrusting into his hand against my will.

                Slowly, disconcertingly slowly, I woke up.

                Except, Dexter’s hand really was between my legs, and my hand really was over his.

                ‘Um,’ I mumbled, mortified. ‘What’s going on?’

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