Chapter Sixteen

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Monday, 24th October, 2011

So I'm in French and should really be paying attention to what's going on because I'm so miserably shocking at this language, but this can't wait.

I was stubbornly keeping my mouth shut about what was going on with Dexter and I – mainly because I still don't actually know what's going on with Dexter and I – and luckily neither Andie nor Teegan were cruel enough to ask us to our faces while we were driving to school together this morning.

Instead we all focused on the incident directly pre-most-amazing-kiss-of-my-life: Kevin and what he had done to Andie.

'Did you tell Paulie and Dylan when they got back?' I enquired as I pulled away from the kerb in front of the Anderson house.

Andie snorted. 'Why bother? You took care of him, what good would telling them have done?'

'I may have mentioned it to Paulie...' Teegan interrupted, her huge eyes gazing at Andie. 'Was I not supposed to?'

'Depends. How did he react?'

'Like he sees it all the time. He said he'll have a word.'

'Do you think he'll hit him?' Andie asked, eyes sparkling. I know typically girls aren't into violence, or at least they pretend they're not, but Andie loves it. Watching it, perpetrating it, refereeing it, she doesn't care as long as there's bloodshed.

'Doubt it, he's kind of a big deal on the hockey team, isn't he? I think they need him to like win games or something.'

Andie deflated. 'Pity.'

We pulled up outside the school and tumbled out of the car, making our way towards the entrance when Andie stopped short, effectively stopping the rest of us as well. We followed her gaze and saw Kevin and Paulie squaring up to each other near one of the oak trees; Paulie obviously giving Kevin a dressing down.

'Looks like it might escalate to violence after all,' Dexter said dubiously from beside me, and I had to agree. Kevin didn't look like he was taking it well.

There was a roar of an engine and a squeal of tires that distracted us – and everyone else getting a sconce at the drama – momentarily, and we all turned to look at who was jumping angrily from his jeep.

'Candyman's here,' I pointed out unnecessarily, as Dylan strode past us towards Kevin without a second glance at us.

'Uh oh,' Dexter muttered, and made to move towards them as well, presumably to try and stop the imminent brawl.

'Oh no you don't,' Andie hissed, grabbing him by the wrist and tugging him backwards. Dex glanced at me and I shrugged; I was pretty sure all three of them could handle themselves well enough without us getting any more involved than we had to be.

'You,' Dylan shouted when he was in earshot of Kevin, causing he and Paulie to turn and look at him. Paulie quickly sidestepped Kevin to try and get between them but Dylan shoved him out the way impatiently and got right up in Kevin's face. 'Who the hell do you think you are?' he demanded, his shoulders tensed and his hands balled up into fists. Andie was quivering with excitement beside me.

'Back off,' Kevin said dangerously, his face red with anger.

'How did he find out?' Andie whispered animatedly.

Teegan shrugged. 'I guess Paulie told him. They're starring in their own epic bromance since Friday.'

The argument must have escalated while they were talking because suddenly Dylan raised his fist and punched Kevin right in the face. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a twinge of satisfaction that the homophobic misogynist had finally got what was coming to him.

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