Chapter Fifteen

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Saturday, 22nd October, 2011

I called in sick to work today.

Usually when I've got complicated shit going on in my life I like to be at work for the distraction (I practically lived at the nursing home during the worst months leading up to the divorce) but I knew that even Hetty couldn't distract me today. I planned to stay in bed all day ignoring the texts, calls, IMs, and Facebook messages from Andie and Teegan enquiring as to my state of mind, not to mention ignoring the fact that Dexter was ignoring me.

Around lunchtime I trudged out to the kitchen to get something to eat, but true to form my dad had neglected to do any grocery shopping and all that was in the cupboards was a tin of processed lima beans.

Grumpily, I slipped on a pair of runners without changing out of my pyjama pants, and hunted through the mess in the sitting room for the money I knew my dad would have left for me. Minutes later, twenty pounds secure and stuffed unceremoniously into my hoodie pocket, I walked down the three flights of stairs to the car-park and made my way towards my car.

I stopped short when I saw who was sitting on the boot, my heart lurching in my chest as I took in the messy blonde hair, the perfectly sculpted face, those lips...

Swallowing, I started walking again and Dex must have heard my footsteps because he looked up and slid off the car, turning to face me.

'Hey,' I said carefully when I reached him, not sure how to act.

'Hey,' he mumbled, looking at the ground and fidgeting a bit. It was so unlike the Dexter I knew, the confident, self-assured, trouble-maker who didn't even feel awkward being around me after his girlfriend dumped him in front of us all.

'I was just going to the shop for some food...' I said lamely, then cursed myself; that sounded like I was trying to get rid of him.

'Right,' he said, fidgeting some more. 'I just wanted to say...'

I braced myself for it, here it came, the apology, the words that meant it hadn't meant anything.

'We should hang out,' he finished, looking at me, but not in the eye. More chest-level.

I frowned, confused. 'Like... Like a...?'

Dexter shook his head in embarrassment, blushing. 'This was a stupid idea,' he muttered, turning and starting to walk away. 'I'm sorry-'

'Dex, wait,' I said, hurrying after him and grabbing him by the shoulder, making him turn around and face me. 'Look, it's okay. It's no big deal. You don't have to be embarrassed or anything, it's seriously a non-issue. And obviously we're still going to hang out,' I added, grinning. I fished in my pocket and took out the keys to my dad's apartment. 'Here. Go on up, I'll be back in a few minutes.'

Dex stared at me for a second, then took the keys, his fingers brushing off mine briefly and sending my heart into orbit again.

I picked us up some pizzas and considered getting some ice cream but then decided that that might be too close to the yesterday bone and just got some share-size bags of crisps as well.

When I got back I paused outside the door to collect myself, and heard the sound of Dexter laughing inside. With a moment of embarrassment as I remembered I was still wearing my pyjama bottoms, hadn't washed my face or brushed my hair, and looked like I hadn't slept last night (because I hadn't) I opened the door and walked in, dropping the things on the counter and glancing into the sitting room. He was watching my dad's Monty Python DVDs again, and I grinned.

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