Chapter Seven

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Sunday, 9th October, 2011

Andie gave a bark of nervous laughter. ‘That’s a joke right? You’re joking?’

                Teegan looked her in the eyes and shook her head rapidly. ‘Not even a little bit,’ she said quietly.

                ‘Can I help you?’ the guy manning the candy floss stall was looking at us boredly, clearly over our conversation, which he’d been eavesdropping on.

                ‘Uh,’ I said, glancing over my shoulder at Dexter and Olivia. He was staring at her dumbly and she was signing at him rapidly, occasionally touching his arm with a desperate look on her face. It didn’t look like it was going to be over any time soon. ‘We’ll take three,’ I said. ‘Thanks.’

                He got to work and handed over the candy floss, his hand lingering over Andie’s for a minute as he smiled at her.

                Andie rolled her eyes. ‘Oh please,’ she said, looking him up and down meanly. ‘You have got to be kidding.’

                With which she turned and walked away from him, leaving Teegan and I to shrug at the poor boy apologetically before following after her. He didn’t seem so “poor” though; if anything he looked pretty pleased with her reaction and chased after me, slipping a piece of paper into my hand.

                ‘My number,’ he said, smirking. ‘Give it to her?’

                I shook my head in wonder but agreed. ‘Fine. But I’m not promising anything, her heart currently belongs to that sex god over there.’ I nodded in Dexter’s direction, who was still in a state of catatonic shock with Olivia.

                Candy floss boy look looked unfazed. ‘I’m not worried,’ he said arrogantly. ‘That guy’s gay.’

                I choked on my own spit and he patted me on the back a little worriedly. ‘He’s not,’ I said hoarsely.

                ‘Yeah, but you wish, right?’ he asked, smirking again.

                ‘If you want me on-side for getting in my best friend’s pants, I’d shut up right now if I were you,’ I warned him.

                ‘What’s her name?’


                ‘Aren’t you going to ask me mine?’

                ‘I don’t care. And neither does she,’ I added, turning and following after Andie and Teegan, who were examining a water gun stall with unnecessary intensity.

                ‘What did he want?’ Andie snapped, glaring at me. I held up my hands in defence.

                ‘Relax,’ I said, ‘I’m not after your Candyman. He wanted me to give you this.’ I held out the slip of paper with his number on it.

                Andie looked at it uncertainly for a moment, then turned back around without taking it.

                ‘Shall I bin it?’ I asked.

                Andie’s face creased confusion as she battled some internal force, then sighed. ‘No. Keep it for a while. But if he really likes me, he’ll find me again.’ She turned to Teegan. ‘Right?’

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