Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

So I guess I didn’t notice it yesterday since I was so nervous about talking with Gary and stuff, but since we got back from mid-term break, our school has basically exploded with excitement about the Winter Dance that’s coming up.

                Up until last year it was called the Christmas Dance, but we have some Jewish and Muslim kids at our school, plus a whole bunch of agnostic and atheist disenfranchised youths, and they all like ganged up on the administration and made them change it to the Winter Dance.

                It was actually kind of awesome. Pretty much the first and only time the student body has risen up and taken a stand over anything, really. If there were more gay kids maybe we could start an LGBT club or something. But there’s like me, Dex, Gary, and three others, and how awkward would that club be? It doesn’t even bear thinking about.

                Anyway when we got to school today I was kind of looking around me in a vaguely terrified wonder at the posters, decorations (tinsel and Christmas – winter? – trees going up already, crazy), and banners and so forth, and Andie, Teegan, and Dex were all making fun of me.

                ‘Were you legally blind yesterday or something?’ Andie demanded. ‘And deaf too? It was all anybody was talking about!’

                ‘I had rather more important things on my mind yesterday, as it happens,’ I said archly.

                Andie smirked, and I knew she was thinking about Dex rather than Gary – she had all but shit when I told her he asked me out, like, properly. Anyway the upshot of it was that she decided we haven’t spent enough time alone together lately (the introduction of Teegan and Dex into our lives seems to have spawned a ripple effect with Dylan, Paulie, his jock friends, etc, now considering themselves part of our circle. For us it’s kind of weird since aside from Gary, we literally used to navigate the halls of this school solo before October) and she has organised a Best Friend Date.

                That’s what she called it, a Best Friend Date. Capitalised and everything. Here:

AlexIsGay: So.... Guess what.

AnDIE: Wut

AlexIsGay: A little enthusiasm would be nice...


AlexIsGay: You suck. You’ll regret this when I actually tell you.

AnDIE: Well I am getting genuinely curious now, tell me.

AlexIsGay: So... After I broke up with Gary today...

AnDIE: Yessssssss?

AlexIsGay: Dexter asked me to be his boyfriend :)

AnDIE: Are you shitting me?!?!?!

AlexIsGay: Nope.

AnDIE: Ohmygod. Is it too soon to ask him to wear a powder-blue tuxedo to the wedding?

AlexIsGay: -_-‘ Yes.

AnDIE: You spoil all my fun. But ohmygod. Why am I just hearing about this now?!

AlexIsGay: Well I couldn’t tell you in front of him, your reaction would have been way OTT and then I’d have gotten stupidly excited as well and that would have just been embarrassing. I think he still thinks I’m a little bit cool; I don’t want to disabuse him of that notion just yet.

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