Chapter Twelve

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Dexter gave me a weird look when he pulled away, sort of squinting at me and scrunching up his face slightly and I swallowed nervously; had he felt that I was way more into than him? Had I tried to kiss him properly without realizing it, just because it felt so right?

                And it felt so right. His lips were so soft and smooth and natural, not like Gary's, who uses (too much) chap stick, or like some of the other guys I've kissed, who almost all had chapped lips from biting and kissed too roughly.

                I quickly averted my gaze and wondered if I should leave straight away, but I knew that would look seriously suspicious to everyone, so I just laughed awkwardly and avoided touching or looking at him for the rest of the night. At one point I caught Andie's gaze and she raised her eyebrows sceptically at me like "you're being an idiot" before winking and smirking at me. I almost dreaded going home because I knew she was going to insist on coming with me, which she did, after leaving Dylan standing at the door of his jeep expectantly.

                Normally I would have teased her and given her shit about leading him on all night and then leaving him hanging, but I desperately bargained with myself that if I left her alone she'd leave me alone too.

                Obviously that was just wishful thinking. We had to walk all the way across town to my dad's, since it was the weekend, and she left me in peace for the walk, chatting amiably about Paulie and Teegan, and telling me I was an idiot about my car, and offering to come with me tomorrow when I went with my dad to pick it up.

                I was almost – almost – lulled into a false sense of security but I know her too well and sure enough as soon as we were settled in my room with a mug of hot chocolate each and changed into our pyjamas (well. I was in my pyjamas. She was wearing a t-shirt of mine and her underwear) and leaning against the pillows she turned to me slyly and said, 'So what was it like?'

                I considered playing dumb but I knew she knew I knew what she was talking about so I figured I may as well just go with it. 'Not gonna lie,' I said resignedly, 'it was pretty amazing.'

                'Tell me everything.'

                So even though I felt like a total girl I told her about how soft his lips are and how warm his hand was on my neck and how fireworks went off behind my eyelids. Andie squealed and fell against me excitedly.

                'You are so lucky, you shit,' she told me affectionately, squeezing me.

                'Yeah,' I agreed glumly.

                'What's wrong?'

                'Nothing.' I gave her my patented counterfeit grin that I developed over the last year while my parents were constantly yelling and such.

                'Lies. Tell me.'

                I shrugged helplessly. 'Well, you know.'

                'You have a crush on him.'

                I blushed. 'Is it that obvious?'

                'Babe, you're nowhere near as obvious as I am, and if he hasn't noticed mine then he definitely hasn't noticed yours. It's just, for one thing, I know you, and for another, even if you were a complete stranger, you'd have to be mad not to get a crush on Dexter. He's gorgeous and he's lovely, and he's totally cool. He's the trifecta.'

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