Chapter Six

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Saturday 8th October, 2011

Okay, so today was totally awkward, and not even for the reasons you’re probably thinking.

                Because it’s depressing to think that posterity will never prosper from my ramblings and that this diary will perish and mould unloved in an attic covered in dust for all of eternity, however, I’m going to record the events of the day chronologically, and not just blurt out what happened.

                Suck it, posterity!

                So Andie came over to my dad’s with me yesterday after school to stay the night, and was totally unsympathetic to the fact that my dad is clearly suffering through some sort of mental breakdown. He was standing in the middle of the kitchen in his underwear half-baked muttering about goldfish and their complicated relationship with clams when we walked in, and barely acknowledged us aside from a brief salute.

                Mortified, I ushered Andie into my room where she sat on the bed and waxed lyrical about how it’s his own fault and he and my mom shouldn’t have broken up in the first place or he wouldn’t be in this mess.

                I ignored her and signed on to Facebook, where Dexter started a Chat with me, which was thrilling. We talked about his girlfriend, which dulled the shine of my good mood a little, but it was still nice. I totally hid the screen of my laptop from Andie though because, though I love her, she would have hijacked the conversation and I didn’t want that.

                Then Teegan came online and also started a Chat with me, and asked Andie and I to come over this morning to hang out while she waited for Dexter to collect Olivia from the train station and bring her home.

                This, though I didn’t know it at the time, was the beginning of the end.

                So Andie and I arrived at the Anderson’s place right as Dexter was leaving and he gave us both this beatific smile that seemed to light up his front garden, and Andie swooned but I caught her before anybody could notice and Dexter got into his car and drove away all happy and excited while our hearts simultaneously broke again.

                Teegan brought us up to her room and it was our first time seeing it, and it was so effortlessly cool that it momentarily relieved us of our depression.

                Teegan sat blushing on the bed while Andie and I cooed over her interior design.

                Two of the walls were black and two white, and on the black walls she’d clearly gone ape-shit crazy with some paint, flinging it at the walls with her bare hands. The white walls she’d covered with her posters, of bands she liked, and when she’d run out of space she’d moved to the ceiling, which was also half-covered in posters. Her double bed was black wrought iron, and around the headboard she’d strung white fairy lights.

                ‘When did you even find the time to do all this?’ Andie asked eventually, dropping onto the bed beside Teegan. ‘You’ve only been here a week!’

                ‘When I should have been doing my homework,’ Teegan admitted, grinning. ‘The green paint is glow-in-the-dark; at night it looks like alien autopsy in here. I wonder what Paulie Morgan would think about that,’ she mused.

                ‘You really are nuts, aren’t you?’

                It’s been suggested before.’

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