Chapter Twenty-Two

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When I got back to Dexter’s – after sending Andie home smirking – the door was on the latch so I walked in without knocking and made my way upstairs to his room after a perfunctory glance into the sitting room to make sure he wasn’t just in there watching TV.

                I knocked on his door and he called, ‘Come in,’ so, innocently, I did.

                And was left standing there in the open doorway with a lump in my throat and no memory of how to form words.

                Dex was standing in the middle of his room with a towel around his waist, his hair wet and sticking up in tufts on his head, his torso shining with droplets of water.

                He made his way to his wardrobe and started digging through it for clothes to wear as I furiously demanded my body to obey my brain and close the door and act like a normal human being. Jerkily, I managed to shut the door and make my way over to his bed, where I sat down with a thump, because my knees had gone slightly weak.

                Obviously I have always known Dex was hot. His face looks like it was chiselled by angels or something. His body had always been impressive when he wore shirts that showed off his muscle definition, and obviously I had felt that for myself when I touched him. But this was the first time I had really seen him undressed. Even more amazing was how casual he was about the whole thing – as if he didn’t know the effect his body had on me, would have on anyone.

                He dropped the towel as he pulled on a pair of boxers and I burned red, quickly averting my gaze and looking at the ground. I looked back up when I heard him laughing.

                ‘You’re allowed to look you know,’ he said with a crooked grin, reaching back into his wardrobe for some clean clothes.

                ‘I know,’ I tried to say defensively, but it came out as a hoarse croak, and Dex laughed again. He pulled on a pair of jeans and walked over to me slowly, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. Slipping a hand gently around my neck, he pulled me closer and pressed his lips against mine softly, and I was embarrassed to hear a small whimper of pleasure escape me. Dex didn’t seem to mind though; if anything he seemed to like this, placing his other hand on my waist and pulling my body closer to his – which my body was only too happy to do.

                My hands found his waist and even if I’d wanted to I don’t think I could have stopped them from slowly roaming over his body, taking in every muscle and feature as he kissed me sensuously, even shyly ghosting a thumb over one of his nipples. This caused him to moan quietly and press even closer to me, the hand on my waist dropping to squeeze my butt as he simultaneously sank his teeth into my bottom lip gently. I jumped in surprise, letting him invade my mouth and massage my butt while his other hand ran slowly through my hair causing shivers to run down my spine and make my whole body tingle.

                It’s no secret to anybody that Dex turns me on, but this was different. I felt it everywhere, I felt him everywhere, outside and in. I lifted myself up and wrapped my arms around his neck, one hand passing through his hair, and he started moving us backwards towards the bed. I dropped onto it and leaned up on my elbows as he moved over me, not breaking the kiss. Slowly I lowered myself down on the pillow, hopelessly surrounded by everything Dexter, his smell, his warmth, his body. I wrapped one leg around his and he moaned again, pressing his lower body against mine and causing me to moan in response.

                Dex moved one hand down and started to unbutton my jeans, and I felt one quick, inexplicable, strong jolt of panic.

                ‘No,’ I gasped, grasping his wrist before I could stop myself. Dex glanced up at me and slowly moved his hand away, as if trying not to startle me. I burned red in embarrassment. ‘Sorry,’ I spat, folding in on myself.

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