Chapter Fourteen

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Friday, 21st October, 2011

So today was interesting.

                I should have gone over to my dad's after school but Dexter had bunked off and Teegan asked Andie and I to go over to hers, which I couldn't refuse because there was a significant part of me that desperately wanted to see him.

                Despite her protestations that she hates Dylan (though god knows why, she has no reason to), Andie has completely backed off Dexter in light of my revelation that I too am crushing on him big time, and even though I still think she totally put her foot in it when she told him I like Dylan (why? WHY?), she's being totally supportive of what she calls my "play" for him. I tell her that I can't make a play for him because it would ruin the friendship (which, miraculously, he seems to really value) and also because of his affliction of heterosexuality.

                Despite this, as I drove her and Teegan back to the Andersons' place after school, she very casually asked Teegan what I have been dying to know all day, 'So where was Dex today anyway?'

                Teegan rolled her eyes so expressively that I caught it in the rear-view and said, 'Oh he's totally PMS-ing. I've never seen him so moody.'

                'What's wrong?' Andie asked, alarmed.

                'I don't know. He won't tell me. Which is weird, because he usually tells me things I don't even want to know, but I've asked him like three times this week and he won't say a word. He just grumbles incoherently.'

                'We should get him some ice cream,' Andie said decisively. 'Pull over Alex.'

                Normally I would have ignored her but it actually did seem like a good idea, so I pulled into the next service station and we all piled out to get him some treats.

                'Which is his favourite?' Andie asked, directing the question at Teegan, but I answered absently before I could stop myself.

                'He likes Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie,' I said, not even looking at them as I scanned the freezer display for it. I didn't miss them smirking at each other though, which I chose to ignore.

                'Sounds good. Let's get one each,' Andie suggested, mercifully deciding not to torture me by teasing me about how I knew that.

                There was no sign of Dex when we got back so we put his ice cream in the freezer and took ours up to Teegan's room, and just hung out for a while, having a really good time despite the absence of the life of the party.

                'Who are you texting?' Teegan demanded of Andie after an hour or so, when we were collapsed in ice cream comas on her bed, our Ben and Jerry's melting in their pots on her bedside table.

                'Nobody,' Andie said archly, snapping her phone closed and putting it back in her pocket. 'But on a completely unrelated note, don't be surprised if Dylan turns up here in about twenty minutes.'

                Teegan and I glanced at each other and snorted.

                'You are so into him,' she said, rolling her eyes. 'Why don't you just admit it?'

                'I'm not,' she said archly. 'He has a car and a job, that's where my interest ends. Besides,' she continued, grinning, 'Alex has dibs on him now, remember?'

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