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She never looked nice. She looked like art. And art isn't suppose to look nice! It is suppose to make you feel something. She wasn't noticed by much, because on the outside she wasn't wildly gorgeous. But on the inside she made your insides turn outward. She made people feel something they never had before, and that scared people. So people left her there with the feelings she dealt out thrown in her face because of fear. The fear around her began to penetrate her soul until she no longer felt anything. But there was still a glow inside of her that people had not stomped out. A hope that shined ever so slightly and was only felt by people who came close. But sometimes those people who came close found it interesting and played with it until there was nothing left but sadness and fear left. And that was the night that the art that was her soul became viral and famous. An art that was forever know to all around her.

"Funny when your dead how people start listening...."

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