Chapter 9

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Quill Quagmire

I gave a sharp gasp as I quickly opened my eyes when I felt a worn-out cloth being draped across my mouth. My eyes instantly narrowed when I saw Travis who was gagging us with cloths.

"What the bloody hell--" Vivian didn't get to finish what she was going to say when he abruptly covered her mouth with the cloth.

"Asshole." Klara snarled and gave him a death glare when Travis ignored her, focusing on tying the cloth behind her head.

"We're in a bloody forest. Why the hell would you still gag us when no one could already hear us anyway?" Klad frowned and Travis shot him a look before gagging him with a cloth as well.

"Some snoopy volunteer might be watching, that's why." He muttered under his breath, but was loud enough for me to hear.

What does he mean by volunteer?

Suddenly, there was a rustle in a nearby bush and Laura, being the only one who wasn't gagged yet -- did the most awesome thing that I could ever imagined.

"HEEEELLLLLPPPP!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, screaming and yelping as she kicked and wiggled from the rope that was holding her back.

"THERE'S A PYSCHO WHO'S KIDNA--" Travis suddenly ran towards her and recklessly covered her mouth using his bare hands.

"Shut the bloody hell up or I'm going to kill one of you." He said in a rough voice but Laura was brave, stubborn and desperate enough, biting the hands covering her mouth using her teeth -- something I figured Aunt Sunny might have done, considering her sharp teeth that we see every time she smiles.

Travis gave out a bloody yell and he stumbled backwards, gripping his bitten hand. His cold eyes glared into Laura's. But what gave me chills that were enough to raise all the hair in my body was when Travis pulled out a harpoon gun from his back pocket, a smirk slowly tugging in his lips.

My throat suddenly felt dry when his thumb slightly touched the trigger. I didn't want to think of what would happen if he did pull the trigger, pointing the gun at someone.

"D-Don't you freaking dare." Laura said in horror, her voice shaking. All eyes were now on Travis and the dangerous harpoon gun he was holding in his filthy hands.

"Oh but you triggered me, love." Travis teased. "Now, who shall I kill first?"

Klara gave a small yelp and shut her eyes tightly. Vivian on the other hand started wiggling and Klad just froze.

And as afraid as I knew I was, rampant thoughts and ideas began running across my head, thinking of something that can help us escape this situation. There has to be something that can help us.

"Inny," he taunted, his gun pointing back and forth from Klara and Vivian, who were scared as hell.

"Minny," the gun he was pointing started to slow down and I held my breath as the gun was almost heading to my direction. "Miney..."

"Moo." We all froze when the gun pointed towards Klad, whose eyes widened in horror. His face was suddenly as pale as a chalk, and beads of sweat were beginning to bead across his forehead.

"KLAD!" Laura shouted, tears welling up her eyes as she tried with all her might to wiggle her way out of the ropes.

"1..." He said, grinning. He looked as evil and treacherous as he was.

"MHMMM!" Klara hummed, hot tears rolling down her cheeks.


"K-Kill me instead-d..." Laura cried, her head hung low, regret washing up her face. Damn it! I wish our parents were here.

"I would gladly kill you last, love." Travis said without looking at Laura, his eyes straight ahead as he stared at nerve-wrecked Klad.

"Now," he said with a devilish smirk. "Do you have any last words to say?"

Klad's quivering mouth slowly opened as he was about to say something, when an unfamiliar voice came out of nowhere.

"Hey kid, what the hell do you think you're doin--?"

The girls cried in horror as Travis turned around to pull the trigger of the harpoon gun, shooting down its harpoon on a guy who had a large backpack on.

"Bloody mountaineer-trekkers." He sneered and when the mountaineer wiggled, he surprisingly pulled the trigger again, the vomit-inducing sound of blood splatter shot through the forest, making me look away, horrified.

There was nothing else that I could see right now except red. All of us became silent for a moment, until Laura spoke up.

"W-Why are you doing this-s...?" She asked in-between tears.

Travis spat at the bloody body of the mountaineer before looking at us with his coldest stare yet.

"Because your bloody parents killed my father!"


Quite sorry for this short update volunteers -- my head's kind of aching -- but I'll be sure to post the next chapter soon enough. Also, I hoped you read this chapter while listening to the song in the media :D

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