Chapter 10

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Klad Baudelaire

"What the hell are you talking about?! Our parents are good! They won't do such a treacherous thing!" Laura yelled, trying to break free as she looked at Travis with disgust.

"Shut up! Stop trying to mess with me!" Travis growled. He then paced back and forth, the terrifying harpoon gun still in his hands.

He then stopped and glanced at the dead mountaineer before looking at us, slowly nodding. "That's it." He said and placed the harpoon gun in his back pocket, before walking towards Laura and untying her.

When she was untied, Laura was about to punch Travis in the face, but he was too fast about it and quickly held both of her wrists. "Nice try princess." He muttered and pulled her to heaven knows where.

"Where the hell are you taking me you jerk!" Laura hissed and I gave a muffled gasp when Travis opened a hidden trapdoor from the ground, roughly pushing Laura inside.

He did the same with us, untying all of us one by one, grabbing us by our wrists before being pushed inside the deep, dark underground basement I didn't he know he had.

"So no one will be able to hear or see you." He remarked and shut the trapdoor with a clang! leaving us in total darkness.

I plopped down on the cold ground, not believing anything that has happened, not believing what our fate had taken us.

"We shouldn't have trusted him." I heard Klara cried, her sniffs echoing the cramp room -- can we even call it a room?

I then heard Quill sigh, before saying, "No need to cry. What we need to do right now is devise a plan."

A finger touched my arm and I gripped it gently, familiar with it. "Klad, is that you?" I heard Laura whisper.

"Yeah." I told her and she looped her arm on mine, afraid.

"I know you guys can't see me but, Quill is right." I said, jumping in. "Our parents are smart, and we should be too."

My statement was replied by a certain bump and crash, along with Vivian's cry. "Ouch!" We heard her shout and I could hear someone fumbling -- which was probably Quill -- towards her.

"What did you crash onto?" I heard Quill ask.

"I -- ow! -- don't know-w." Vivian said, probably wincing at the pain.

There was a pause of silent fumbling before a sharp light cut through the shivering darkness.

"Wait, what? There's light?" I asked in wonder. Guided by the light Quill had produced, me and Laura walked towards him to see a crate of flashlights nearby.

"Yeah. Luckily, Vivian crashed onto it." Quill said with a funny-looking grin and as I grab one of the flashlights and shone it at their faces, I saw Vivian giving him a frown.

"So, was it lucky and fortunate that I had to trip over a bloody crate?" Vivian asked in an annoyed tone as she snatched a flashlight from the box.

I shook my head and glanced onto Klara's direction, who was on the other corner of the small underground basement.

"Klara? What are you doing?" I asked as I slowly walked towards her. When I stood beside her, surprise had resented across my face with what I had saw.

Klara then looked up at me -- I was a bit taller than her -- and gave me a toothy smile, before facing the others with the same triumphant grin, as if she had found something that could save us.

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