first day.

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Okay, so I decided to start a new story!! Please comment your opinions because I really need feedback, thank you so much! Hope you enjoy the first chapter and let me know if I should carry on :)


Lily's POV.

School had finally finished, my first day complete. I made my way through the corridors after leaving last lesson, they were pretty empty apart from a few people who were hanging around.

I decided to sign up for 'after school assistance', it's basically when you have to stay after school times and help a teacher with any jobs they need doing. I don't mind though, I'd do anything to avoid going home.

I had been given a room number, which was number 22. I continued to walked down a long corridor, past room 20 and 21. Then I turned the corner and saw 22 at the end of the hall, it was well hidden to be honest.

I lightly knocked on the door and a blonde woman looked up from her desk at me and smiled, she had the prettiest smile.

"You must be Lily?" She questioned as she stood up from her desk and signalled me to come in.

I walked closer to her desk and nodded. "That's me."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Miss. Paulson." She held her hand out for me to shake, so I did. Her hands felt so soft and warm, and I noticed that she had a slight lisp. She didn't act like any of the other teachers here. She seemed really laid back and sweet, rather than snobby and strict.

"So, what do you need help with?" I scanned her room which seemed tidy, apart from her desk that was piled with papers and books.

She brought her hand up to scratch her head. "What don't I need help with more like. Have you seen my desk!?" She replied then let out a giggle.

I let out a small laugh at her actions as I put my bag down on a desk nearest to hers.

"Okay, let's get started. I don't want to keep you too long, you probably need to get home soon." She spoke as she walked over to her desk and started picking up papers and putting them into a small pile.

"Oh, no. Don't worry about me, I can stay as long as you need me." I reply with a faint smile. I sit down at the desk were I put my bag and she walks over to me with a small pile and sighs.

"You can start with these, put them in order of dates. They're assessments from my English Lit class and they need to be organised. I'm the opposite of organised which is why my desk looks like that." She laughs.

I take the papers from her hand and smile sweetly. "Okay."

She walks over to her desk again and sits down on the chair, letting out a huge sigh. She starts shuffling through papers and writing on them whilst I work on the papers she gave me.

She didn't notice that I was watching her actions, the way she bit her lip when deep into writing was so hot and her nose scrunched when she was thinking. She wore glasses that sat at the tip of her nose, she regularly pushed them up when she felt they were falling, it was the cutest thing.

I got so lost into thought that I didn't notice a phone started to ring. I then realised that it was mine, I took it out my bag and saw that my Dad was calling me. Shit. I felt my heart drop and adrenaline coursed through my body.

"Are you going to answer that?" Miss. Paulson raised her eyebrow at me. "You can answer your phone y'know. I'm not that strict."

"I-I need to go." I stuttered, my face painted blank.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, sounding concerned.

I grabbed my bag and stood up.
"Y-yeah, I'm sorry. I finished most of the papers. I'm sorry to leave so soon."

"You don't need to apologise lovely." She smiled and stood up to walk me to the door.

"I'll come back tomorrow. " I tell her.

She looks at me confused and nods slightly. "Goodbye, Lily."

"Bye." I walk away out the classroom and start walking home as fast as I could.


A/N: Hope you guys enjoy reading this.
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