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As Callum led me out of the hospital room still in my short shorts and crop top and bandages. I felt like a slut. I honestly don't know how girls can walk around like this.
Callum still held a firm grip on my hand several times i tried to pull it out.

I knew where he was leading me to...the girls dorm. Many 13 year old boys wolf whistles at me and many eye brows are raised in my direction. I just kept my head down.

"Callum why did you ask me if i wanted to be your... "i stopped. He wasn't taking me to the girls dorm. We walked right past it. He was taking me some where else. I got scared.

"Calumm let go of me" i started to shout. My hand wriggled around to see if it could loosen his grip.He didnt reply and just kept on walking. He was getting the look on his face. His grip got tighter.
"Callum let go!" Honestly,what was his problem.
"Callum!"l Shouted. he was so scary that i just let myself drop to the floor. When i did that he just stopped walking but didnt look in my direction.

"Whats wrong with you. With me " he said quietly

He turned around with a tear rolling down his face

"What is wrong with me!" He started to shout. " since you came , everythings gone wrong"


"Callum," i said. why would he do that...

" so i cant have you here anymore..."

"Callum im sorry for what happened i  the hospital but its not ny fault.."

" just get the fuck out of my life." He didnt make eye contact with me. He just pointed above my head towards a door.
I stood up and held his face with my right hand.

"Why did you ask me to be your girlfriend. Why?" I asked softly.
"I felt like i need something to fill up a hole in me" he replied. He looked at me like a small child who's lost his parents at a huge shopping mall. His hand met mine and held it gently.

"Lets go to your dorm and i'll..." i didnt know what to say but Callum finished it off.

"Lets go hover board racing tomorrow" Callum said quietly. Hoverboard racing was so much fun but i ALWAYS got hurt.

"Like a date"i whispered in his ear.

"Sure.."Callum smiled and turned me around so i was facing him. He came close; towering over me, and pushed me towards him. I smiled as he kissed me. An amazing kiss. Not french but this kiss was so exciting. His hand around my neck and the other hand o  my back.

It was hard to breathe so after 5 seconds i pulled away and got my breath back. So did he. And we kissed again. Same position but after 2 seconds his hands slid over my butt, then met my back again. Fireworks went off. We pulled away and lookd around. A crowd of 22 people looked at us in shock and started to cheer.


PERVERTS. Callum led me back to the dorm and i set my alarm for 6 and slept so he would'nt get any ideas of waking me up

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