bruises,blood and Colin.

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Colin made the first move to jab me. I parryed his fist and grabbed it putting him on the same lock as I did in the boys dorm. But he was stronger somehow within a day. He caught my trick and behind my leg he pinched hard. I screamed and Callum tried to interfere but the two guys I talked about earlier blocked him. He tried to barge past but they each grabbed one of callums and held him back.

I let go of Colin and I stood up straight. He did the same and pushed kicked me in my back. I collapsed on the floor curling up on the floor in pain. I've never been so vulnerable since what happened after the prick incident.

He repeatedly started to kick me in the back and my belly. I cry in pain. He bent down aver tilted his head like a puppy.
"what's the matter, bitch? Can't you take the marmite?" said Colin. By that I mean you can't take the horrible stuff.
That little shit.
He took a c.w of from one of the plastic holders and changed it to a sharp needle blade thingy. I was on my back looking up on the ceiling. He looked at the blade and then me. He used it like a spear and grabbed it in my shoulder.

I screamed like an animal in pain.

Blood spoiled out of my arm and stained my clothes in crimson liquid. I held it so it would stop. My vision went blurry and my hearing was crap. All I could see was fuzzy blobs and shaped. I could only hear voices like I was underwater. I could see Colin about to stab me in my shin. I shuddered at the thought.
"you scared?" Colin said evilly. He was about to another blow but then all of a sudden I saw callum lash out at Colin's body guards and managed to escape their tight grip.

He looked at me about to be impaled and charged towards Colin. Colin was totally oblivious until callum rugby tackled him down to the floor. Callum began punching at his temples which is everyone's weak spot. And few blows there and that person who's being attacked will die. Basic knowledge a cadet student should know. Did callum go cadets? He knew a lot of stuff since I came. Does he just pick up quickly.

Colin started bleeding from his nose. Callum carried on punching him continuously in the face. After a billion punches oh the face he held him by his hair to take a look at his face. He looked shitty.
The body guards looked at each other deciding whether or not to stop what was happening. Why didn't they just take Callum off.

Purple bruises covered most of Colin's face and blood smeared on his face. Eyes were grey and lips were swelled up. How nose was broken. In conclusion...
He was dead.

The whole training area was empty. The guards left,dragging Colin away with them...

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