the prick

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Hello. My name is Zoe. I used to live in London but now i have no proper home. Three months ago i used to be normal. Be in school and live my life. I used to be a normal 12 year old girl with visions. But now all i want is just to live with my parents. Thats my new vision.
Anyway i live in a café that has a wing torn off. The side which i live in only has a bathroom,kitchen and a few tables. It has a few ingredients to make meals. I open my BTS side bag and stash a few things. A can of Heinz beans, a loaf of bread,packets of crisps and some I can see a pot of ramen and an empty pot. A hand gun with an extra pack of ammo goes in my bag aswell. After that; grab a pack of cooked meat and lay it down on a small plate. I made a fire to keep me warm and to cook the ramen. I feel a small nugde at my feet .I have with me Bengi my maltese poodle. Bengi, my older sister Jenny and i have survived from The Change. All this time ive been trying to find her since. No luck. My life is pure SHIT! I've still got a picture in a cracked photo frame in my bag of my family and me and Bengi sleeping on my when he was a pup. I've crossed out my parents with the Unwanted's blood because they no longer exist. I...saw them change. My sister told me to look away when she had to finish off the job. Kenny had been missing for two weeks now.

Please fucking stay alive or come back. I need you Jenny.

Bengi was rubbing his head against my leg and i stroked him behind his ear
"What do you want now Bengi. I litterally fed you five minutes ago"

But he wasnt nudging me for food but he was trying to tell me something.
Maybe it was about the Unwanted. Im sure the name defines them well, Unwanted. They killed my family. A tear rolls down my dirty face. A few minutes later i wipe it away and slowly put my bag down and drew my sword from my sword case strapped to the top of my leg, i and slowly aproached where Benji was looking at. In this world it was high tech. By then most people could afford hoverboards and weapons that would change to your voice only and jetpacks and hover cars and lots of others. My Dad did over time on Saturdays so we could afford a command weapon. He managed to buy glove blades for Jenny. Theyre just gloves with blades slodered around the fingers and are completely unharmless to the person who uses them and a commandment weapon for me. It has a silver coat on black streaks.

Remember Zoe just stay calm and keep your distanstance. Arms low and stay down. Just like Dad said.

I was walking towards an old fridge covered in green thick moss.
It sounded like something was stuck underneath the fridge. What was it?
Was someone or something following me?
I swung myself around but nothing was there. Huh. Must be my mind. A rat was trying to scratch the moss off it or that is what it looked like.

But just as weapon slithered back into the inside a hand grabbed my mouth and pointed a gun to my head
Who was that?
"You try and do anything funny, i will shoot. Do y'understand?" i slightly nodded my head.
"Gimme your c.w" he said. His hands were dirty and smelled i shit. I couldnt move. i was frozen, petrified. I started crying silently and handed it over. "Now were going to go for a little walk...move!" he jerked me forwards. Bengi started to bark and wouldn't stop . "Bengi, that's enough. Stop!!"I said whilst he was still covering my mouth. But Bengi wouldn't stop. I got really nervous that something would happen to him.
"Oi! Tell this prick to shut the fuck up yeah," said the asshole. He pushed me towards Bengi but was still holding the gun. I turned around as saw a man in his thirties who was wearing an old tattered adidas hoodie which looked like it had dry blood stains on his hood. He was wearing loose trackies and was wearing nike shoes with mud on them. It looked he traveled far. I stare at him shaking

"What the matter bitch?! Stop looking at me and get him to shut him up and if he ain't gonna...then ima make 'im"
And then he turned the safety lock off his gun and aimed. I turned around and started to stroke Bengi to calm him down but nothing was working. I grabbed my canteen full of water and poured some water in a dip in the floor acting as a bowl and also grabbed the meat on the plate and gave it to him to see if he was hungry. Nothing, he carries on barking. It sounded like he was getting louder.
"Bengi, please shush. Look Jenny's coming in a minute and you'll see her then . OK?" I told him but still nothing was working. Bengi has never done this much barking before.
"That's it!" said the asshole
"No please no!.."i screamed

Bengi dropped on the floor with blood spewing out on the left side of his head. No. He cant be dead! He cant! I rip some of my sleeve of which was also filthy and tied it around his head securely and the blood stopped. I lifted him up in a cradle position people hold their newborns.
"Bengi? Bengi! Bengi..."i said waiting for him to respond. But only the ass hole did.
"Serves that little shit right".
And he put the gun back in its holder which was near his leg. Such a stupid place to put it. But anyways.
I looked at him in disust, gently laid Bengi and began to charge before he could do anything. He looked shocked and tried to reach back for it but he was too late. I already rugby tackled him and he slammed into the floor hard. I looked at him to where to aim for so i went for the groin and kneed him there. He hurled on the floor. But i couldnt tell if it was a fake hurl. Then started to punch wherever i could see he didnt block. I used to do cadets and I knew how to fight, use a gun, sword and to disarm and free run.
"Youre good at trying to hurt me but let me show you how to do it. "
He turned me over so i was on the floor and he was on top of me and punched me in the eye with the thump. I yell in pain and clutched it.He waited and punched me in the stomache. Then the head again. He stood up kicked me in the back. The pain was unbearable. My vision was blurry but i could still see him
"Holy shit. You look fucked up" he smiled and just before he could kick me again and thin figure came behind and it kind of looked like they slit his throat.
"No but come with me".

The 12 Year Old GirlWhere stories live. Discover now