The Ruby House

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"Wake up Zoe..., Zoe?" Said Callum. I didn't open my eyes. It felt like they were glue together ."ugh. I have to say it. Only if it wakes her up. Here it goes. Zoe if you don't wake up I'll kiss you... on the lips!"

I still did nothing. It wasn't like i wanted him to kiss me though. It's just that I've haven't been getting enough sleep lately .He came close and kissed me. His lips felt weird. I've never kissed someone before though.I could taste meat.It felt horrible that my rescuer kissed me. Like in a princesses story. But i wasnt going to be saved in the end. I'll help save lots of people.
I imediently got up whilst he was still kissing me and slapped him hard. It left a red hand mark on his face.
"What the fuck Callum!" I screamed. It was the first time a boy actually kissed me. It was horrible.
"Why'd you do that for?!"I wiped my lips clean.
"Two reasons :
1) to wake you up,"
and he giggled. "C'mon let me see if it's gone down." He tried to lift up the duvet I was covered in to reveal my belly."and the other one?" I held it down until he answered.
"Because i wanted to. Let me see your belly"
"Youre a retard you know that" i said.
He rolled his eyes and carried on.
I let him but it was still purple. I shuddered at the thought of a kiss.
He grabbed a spray with green liquid in and sprayed it on my stomache. Within seconds it turned pink and the swelling went completely down. Amazing. Only the rich could afford this stuff. He sprayed it on a cloth and dabbed it on my eye. I didn't know why he didn't do that when he dropped me off first.

"How long was I sleeping for?"I asked
"About twelve hours"callum replied.

After ten minutes I had a shower which lasted fifteen minutes only and got dressed in a camo crop top and camo tracksuit bottoms and made my long black hair into French plaits. I looked in the mirror he provided for me and I looked good. I haven't looked in the mirror for a while. I saw a young girl with purplish eyes and reddish hair. Coco butter skin and a pretty face. Pink lips and a button nose.
A big but and big boobs. I hated lots of boys eyeing me up. But Callum didn't eye me up. After the kiss he was shy. Maybe hes never kissed a girl befoŗ.

After he gave me a tour of the house\mansion he showed me the girls dorm. The boys and girls were separated but the boys and girls could visit each other for and hour each day. Callum visited me a lot just to drop off things for me. He gave me back my cw and bts bag still with what I stashed from my last home... Where Bengi died.

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