Chapter 7 ~ That One Marauder Who Captured My Heart

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"I'm screwed." I moaned to the Lily.

"Why? What's wrong?"

We stood in the girl's dormitories. Lily was wearing her emerald green, sleeve-less dress that she had received from her parents; she had her hair pulled into a beautiful bun. I was wearing my blue dress that I got from Hogsmeade however, my hair was a mess.

"My hair." I groaned.

Lily laughed, "Here let me help." She moved forwards and combed my hair.

"What would I do without you?" I giggled.


Ten minutes later Lily stood back. I turned to the mirror. My long brown hair had been curled into a bun and small strands frizzled by my face.

"Lily. Thank you." I managed to breath.

She laughed, "Anytime."

I quickly put on some mascara and eyeliner, much to my dislike.

"You ready?" She asked,

"One minute." I pulled out my wand and muttered an enchantment. Sparkles flew from my wand and evenly weaved into my hair.

"Ok. I think I'm ready."


"Honestly Katie, stop making a fuss."

I rolled my eyes, all my confidence was gone and I stood hidden behind the corner of the entrance to the Great Hall.

"I never wear dresses."

Lily laughed, "It's just one night. It'd be even more embarrassing if you turned up in jeans and a t-shirt."

I sighed, she was always. "Ok. But stick with me until I find Sirius."

Lily laughed again, "Ok."

We walked through the door of the Great Hall. Students were dancing on the silver dance floor.

"I see them." Lily said pointing to the Marauders.

I breathed in nervously, they hadn't noticed us yet. Lily pulled me by the hand over to them. When we were close James noticed us and pointed. Sirius, Remus and Peter looked our way.

Sirius's mouth dropped, causing me to blush.

" look....beautiful." Sirius stuttered.

I blushed even more. Sirius was looking very handsome too. He wore black dress robes, which I had never seen him in before and he had made an effort to tame his hair.

"Shall we dance?" Sirius held out a hand and walked me to the floor.

"Is the prank set?" I whispered in his ear once we had started dancing.

Sirius grinned, "Indeed it has."

We Marauders had to prank during the ball. Our plan was to set Mistletoe over Dumbledore and McGonagall. The Mistletoe had been charmed to not allow the victims to move until they had kissed. It was a mild prank, but hey, we couldn't resist.

"Awesome." I replied.


Sirius and I glanced over at Dumbledore and McGonagall who were dancing. Sirius winked at me and pulled out his wand, I copied.

Together we whispered "Visco."

Mistletoe appeared above the couple causing their feet to glue to the ground.

James, Lily, Peter, Remus and Sirius and I joined up and began laughing. People turned in our direction to see what was funny. Once they caught sight of the Headmaster and Deputy, the hall broke into laughter.

Dumbledore glanced at us, I smiled.

"KISS!" Someone called out from the crowd.

McGonagall blushed a deep red and tried to move her feet but failed.

Dumbledore leaned forwards and kissed McGonagall on the cheek. She blushed again, avoiding eye contact with him.

"GET A ROOM!" Sirius yelled grinning.

Dumbledore chuckled, "Thank you Mr Black."

I turned and high fived Sirius, James, Remus and Peter. Lily was laughing too so I high fived her as well.

"Damn, we should've made it strong enough so they would have to snog to get out!" James laughed.

I burst into fits of giggles, "That. Would. Be. Freaking. Hilarious!" I gasped through breaths.

"He could have obviously released himself though. He was just playing along." Remus spoke.

"Still." Sirius grinned.


"I'm tired." I yawned at ten minutes past midnight.

Sirius smiled softly, "Do you wanna go back to the Common Room?" He asked.

I nodded.

Sirius and I walked to James and Lily who were dancing slowly.

"We're going back to the Common Room." I said to Lily.

"I'll see you soon then?" She asked.


"See you."

Sirius and I walked out the hall. I slipped off my silver high heels and we walked up the stairs. We reached the portrait and spoke the password to the Fat Lady who we woke up.

"Do you want to sit in front of the fire?" Sirius asked.

I nodded and went to sit on the lounge.

"Sirius, can I speak to you for a minute?" A girl from our year asked, she had long brown dark hair like me, but was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I think her name was Heather Burrow.

Sirius frowned but nodded.

"I'll be right back." He stood up and followed her out the portrait hole.

I watched the crackling fire, my body filling up with warmth.

Sirius hadn't returned for ten minutes.

Lily and James entered the Common Room. James came to sit by the fire while Lily went upstairs to change.

"Katie! What?...I thought I just saw you and Padfoot snogging on the fifth floor?" James looked at me questioningly.

"What?" I frowned confused.

"You and Padfoot were snogg-oh." He stopped when he saw my shocked face.

"I wondered how you had suddenly changed clothes." James added quietly.

Anger and sadness bubbled in my stomach.

I stood up; I had to see this for myself. "Where did you see him and 'me'?" I demanded.

"Fifth floor." He replied.

I stormed out of the room and down a landing of stairs. I walked into the corridor and found the girl and Sirius kissing.

My heart shattered into pieces.

I backed out of the room and ran up to the Common Room again. I ignored Lily's and James's questions and dashed up to the girls dormitories. I flew onto my bed and allowed my tears flowed fiercely from my eyes.


I know Dumbledore is gay, that's why I had him kiss her cheek. Please please please please please don't forget to comment and vote, it would mean so much to me :D

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