Chapter 20 ~ That One Marauder Who Captured My Heart

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"Hagrid." Sirius nodded greeting the tall half-giant. I held Harry in my arms and stared at the ground.

"Is it true?" Hagrid asked solemnly.

Sirius nodded glumly.

"Poor lit'le 'Arry." Hagrid choked dabbing at his eyes, "Dumbledore has asked me to collect him. Takin' him to his Aunt and Uncle's" Hagrid added.

I looked up, "But we're his godparents!" I growled.

"Dumbledore wants him growing up in a muggle environment where not every kid will know his name. He needs to live a normal life before he goes to Hogwarts."


"He's right Katie." Sirius agreed.

I glared at my husband and reluctantly passed sleeping Harry to Hagrid.

"Take my flying motorcycle; it'll get you there faster." Sirius offered.

"Thank you Sirius." Hagrid shook his hand and cradled Harry in his chest as he clambered onto the vehicle.

"No problem." Sirius wrapped a comfortable arm around me and I snuggled into him.

Hagrid switched on the bike, which roared to life. He nodded at us and took off into the night sky.

"That little rat did it. He sold Lily and James to Voldemort." Sirius snarled taking out his wand.

"What are you going to do?" I asked worriedly.

"Find him." Sirius replied, grasped my hand and we apparated


We arrived at a small house, Peter's to be exact.

"He's not here." Sirius growled kicking the fence.

"Wait. Look." I pointed to a small rat scuttling across the road. Sirius immediately pointed his wand at it and shot a white spark. The rat began to grow and morph into Peter.

"YOU!" Sirius hissed running to him and gripping Peter's neck.


Muggles were crowding around us, watching curiously.

"No you did!" I shrieked at him, defending Sirius. I suddenly felt pain across my stomach and chest. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Warm liquid started to soak my clothing. I saw a red light and a large explosion sounded. Rubble tumbled over me and I prayed for my life. Around me I saw muggles collapsing to the ground, lifeless, debris hitting them. The rat scattered past me and down a nearby drain.

Familiar arms wrapped themselves around my body and I recognised Sirius's scent. My vision was blurring and I was becoming weaker.

"You're going to be ok, you're going to be ok." Sirius whispered picking up his wand and muttering spells.

"Why isn't it working?!" Sirius demanded frustrated.

"It's my time." I breathed heavily.

"No! Not it's not!" Sirius replied angrily hissing spells at my deep cuts.

With most of my strength I lifted my arm and held it to my cheek.

"I love you."

"No you can't go! What about Maia? What about me?!"

I sighed, "Look after her, she needs you now."

My eyes began getting heavier.

"Lay with me." I requested.

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