Chapter 2

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  Steve peeled off Bucky's shirt, wincing as Bucky groaned in pain, the rough fabric scraping over his open wounds.  Bucky was mostly unconscious, he couldn't do anything to stop Steve, but he could still feel the pain.

  "Willow Hurry, he's bleeding out."

"Yes, Steve, I realize that. I'll just hop right out of this chair and skip on over there," Willow retorted sarcastically, steering her wheelchair toward the couch.

  Steve instantly felt awful about his comment, "I'm sorry Willow. I know you're going as quickly as you can."

  "No worries, I'm used to it. Move over."

 Scooting over, Steve made room for Willow to pull her wheelchair up next to the couch. She handed him a few packets of gauze, "Open these, and then start applying pressure to the hole below his sternum, it's bleeding the worst."

  As Steve covered the injury with gauze, Willow began digging a bullet out of Bucky's rib cage with a pair of tweezers. Bucky groaned and tried to push her hands away. "Steve, a little help."

  Steve grabbed Bucky's arms and held him down as Willow dug out the last bullet fragment and stitched the wound closed. 

 "That's one down, God knows how many more to go," Willow said as she began stitching another cut closed. "Keep pressure on that bullet wound."

 "Is he going to be Okay?"

 "Most likely, I can't tell yet."

  Willow began examining the worst bullet wound, "It looks like it went through cleanly, theres a little bit of internal bleeding but not too much. I'm going to stitch it closed and hope for the best." Willow broke off, "Holy crap, Ow! Steve once again, control your robot friend."

  Bucky had wrapped the fingers of his metal arm around Willow's left wrist, and had quite a grip. "Ouch, wow, Steve. Really starting to hurt now. An assist would be nice"

  Steve pried Bucky's hand loose, "Sorry, he can't help it."

  Willow smiled and rubbed her wrist, "I know, hand me that syringe, I'm going to knock him out. It'll be better for everyone."

  Steve rummaged around in Willow's medical until he found a small syringe. Willow grabbed it and inserted the needle into Bucky's right arm, she seemed to struggle to find a vein for a moment, but then she pushed the plunger down. Bucky struggled feebly, and then lay still.

   "Okay, you've done enough, now get out of my way."

 Willow pushed Steve out of the way and went to work patching up the rest of Bucky's injuries. Steve couldn't help but notice the scars all over Bucky's chest and back. What had happened to him? Had he been tortured? Bucky's left shoulder, where his metal arm met flesh was horrifically scarred. The skin was shredded, and looked burned. Hydra obviously hadn't cared if the arm caused Bucky discomfort. 

  Steve let his head fall back against the back of the chair he was sitting in, and let sleep cloud his mind. 

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