Chapter 17

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  Willow was incredibly sore, her whole body ached. More than that she was embarrassed, Willow had lived on her own for years, and she didn't have the words to describe how angry she was that she'd managed to fall out of her wheelchair. She hated when she needed people to help her, it made her want to punch something. 


"Yes, Bucky, that's my name, don't wear it out."

"Umm, how, umm. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, would you mind pushing my wheelchair in the direction of the couch, so I can reach it?"

"Yeah." Bucky grabbed the handles of her wheelchair and then moved it closer to the couch, within reach of Willow. Bucky offered her a hand, trying to be helpful.

"I've got it Buck"

 Willow grabbed her chair and dragged herself into it, wincing at the pain in her spine. Then she looked at Bucky, "Really, thank you. How's your head?"

"Better, thank you for the memories."

"No worries, how about lunch?" Willow wheeled herself into the kitchen and set about making grilled cheese. 


  Willow had decided that Bucky needed to watch the Lion King. It was her favorite Disney movie, and she thought he'd like it. So they sat down in front of the TV, and watched Lion King as they ate their grilled cheese. When it was over Willow turned to Bucky, "What did you think?"

"It was good. Has Steve soon it?"

"I'm not sure."

"The song with the hyena reminded me of a nazi rally."

"It kind of does, doesn't it Buck?"

Shattered Thoughts : Book One(Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now