Chapter 4

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 "Good morning StarShine, the earth says Hello," Willow quipped from her position sitting in the wheelchair next to the couch.

  Bucky tried to sit up, but Steve pushed him back, "Stay put buddy."

  "Steve?", Bucky asked groggily, look confused.

 "Yep, that's right. You're somewhere safe. This is Willow, she's going to take care of you," Steve said, helping Bucky sit up.

  "Greetings Stranger," Willow said, "Do you eat Bacon?"


"BACON, it's a beautiful thing. I've made everyone some," Willow pushed the table in front of the couch so everyone could easily reach it. Then she began setting plates of steaming hot food down on it. "For those of you who don't know, this is bacon and eggs. You eat it."

  Everyone began eating in silence, the only sound was that of forks scraping on plates. Steve noticed that Willow looked like was about to pass out, her head kept nodding to one side, and then she would snap back, blinking to stay awake.  "Willow, you should get some rest. We can all talk later."

  Willow nodded, and began wheeling her chair off in the direction of her bedroom. "See you all in a few hours, try not to destroy anything."

 Steve spent the next few hours talking to Bucky, telling him about the good times they'd had before the war. 


  "Good morning humanity," Willow announced as she wheeled into the living room. "How are we today?"

 "Listen Willow, I've got to get back, or they'll get suspicious. Will you two be okay?" Steve asked, glancing at Bucky. His friend was sleeping again, Steve didn't like leaving him without tell Bucky where he was going.

 "We'll be fine Steve, I'll call you if there's a problem, now leave," Willow said. Steve thanked her and left. He was extraordinarily grateful to know that Bucky was with Willow. Steve trusted her with his life, and knew she'd take care of Bucky. He did feel a bit sorry for Bucky though, Willow was known for her sharp wit and sarcasm.

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