Chapter 15

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  Going through Bucky's memories had been both mentally and physically exhausting for Willow, and right now all she wanted to do was sleep. She wheeled her way into her bedroom, and then realized that her alarm clock was up on a high shelf. She didn't want to sleep in, so she looked around for something to use to knock it off the shelf. 

  Willow leaned forward, trying to reach the clock, when her wheelchair rolled out from under her. Willow fell forward, and hit her head on the corner of the dresser. The sudden movement caused pain to shoot up Willow's spine, and she cried out in pain. 

 Laying flat on the ground unable to reach her wheelchair, Willow felt completely helpless. Her legs were dead weight, like lead behind her, Willow tried to claw her way forward to grab her wheelchair. Her mind was spinning and she was starting to get dizzy. The position in which she was laying, the metal in her spine pressing down on her lungs, making it hard for her to breathe.  This was ridiculous, Willow had lived on her own for years, and now was the time her wheelchair had decided to attempt murder. 

 She was desperately trying to inch forward and grab onto something, but darkness had begun clouding her vision. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, and then Willow Dariela blacked out. Her outstretched hand falling limply to the floor.

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