Chapter 23

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  They'd dropped Lulu off at her car on their way back to the cabin, and had just finished unloading the groceries. Willow was heading to bed, "See you in the morning Bucky, yell if you need anything."

  As soon as she was gone, Bucky searched through the drawer she'd put the flash drive in, and grabbed it. Plugging in Willow's computer, Bucky uploaded the information. He needed to know what the drive contained, though he felt horrible about doing it behind Willow's back. 

 When the information was loaded, Bucky began clicking through the files. They were mission reports, and recordings. Winter Soldier mission reports, Bucky selected the one labeled James Barnes. He saw a picture of Willow's face in the completed mission files, he opened the file and read through it. "Willow Dariela. SHIELD Agent. Location: Russia. Target. Orders: Incapacitate or kill." Oh god, Bucky could feel the horror spreading through him. Willow had been one of his targets. 

 He opened a video recording from a video camera, from that mission. He saw Willow, she was standing, and shouting out orders. Ordering people to evacuate. Suddenly, he saw himself, The Winter Soldier, land on the pavement behind her. Willow turned, bringing up her gun and firing two shots, that was all she had time for. She managed to hold him off for about a minute, but then he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the ground. She didn't get up, The Winter Soldier left, and that's when the bomb went off.

 It was all his fault. What had happened to Willow, he'd done this to her. He'd left her laying unconscious next to a bomb, HE'D put her in that wheelchair!

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