Chapter 13

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  Willow had fallen asleep watching Merlin, but she jerked awake when someone knocked loudly on her door. Yawning, and blinking the sleep out of her eyes, Willow opened the door. Steve Rogers was standing there, he looked anxious. 

 "I'm sorry if it's early, I got here about an hour ago, but I wasn't sure if I should knock."

"Wow Steve, so what did you do for an hour?"

"Well, umm, I just sort of sat on your steps."

"Let me guess, you were hiding under my porch because you love me?" Willow said opening the door wider to let Steve in.


"It's a reference to a pixar movie you should see. What did you think I was going to do, not let you in? I can't tell a sad 95 year old golden retriever to take a hike, even when he shows up on my doorstep at 5 in the morning."

 "Sorry, I just had to check on Bucky. How is he?"

"He was fine, but then went downhill. He's spent that last week curled up in the fetal position clutching his head. Last night was the worse, he started screaming."

 Steve looked concerned, and started walking towards Bucky's room. But Willow put out an arm to stop him, "Steve it was really bad. He was in agony."

 What Willow was trying to say suddenly dawned on Steve, "So you, you got inside his head?"

 "Not much, I just pulled a happy memory forward so he could rest. One of you at a fair, you were getting ready to ride a roller coaster."

  Steve nodded, "We were riding the cyclone. Thank you for helping him," Steve hesitated. "Could you help bring his other memories out?"

 Willow ran her hands through her hair anxiously, "I can try. But not against his will, and it will be a slow and painful process.  I'll tell you what, you talk to him about it and see how he reacts."

 "Thanks Willow."

  Steve followed Willow as she wheeled her way into Bucky's room. Bucky was asleep on the floor, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

 "Sorry, I couldn't lift him onto the bed," Willow said sheepishly. "He won't wake up for at least another 20 minutes."

"No worries," Steve grabbed Bucky under one arm and hauled him onto the bed, and then covered him with the blanket again.

  "But you really think you could repair his mind?" Steve said eagerly as soon as they were out of Bucky's room.

"I don't know Steve. I can try, but I don't want to end up doing more damage. Maybe you need to try accept him the way he is, and let the memories come back on their own."

 "Your right Willow, but if there's any way you can help him-"

"I'll try Steve."

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