Chapter 16

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  Bucky couldn't find Willow, he'd been looking for about ten minutes. He wanted to make sure she was Okay, the memories she'd seen inside his head were some of the worst. Though there were a few Bucky had locked so deeply away that Willow wouldn't be able to find them. Bucky had gone to sleep last night with the memories of his time with Steve fresh in his mind, but now he was worried about Willow.

    Bucky knocked on the door to Willow's room. When there was no response, he cautiously opened the door. He caught sight of a small pool of blood, panic shot through Bucky. The blood bringing an onslaught of flashbacks. But he fought through them, he needed to make sure Willow was okay.

  Willow was laying flat on the floor, one hand reaching toward her wheelchair. Bucky was kneeling next to her in seconds, checking her wrist for a pulse. If HYDRA had done this, if they'd hurt her, Bucky could feel his anger rising. He checked her for bullet wounds, but the source of the blood was a wide cut on her forehead. 

  Bucky realized that she must have fallen out of her wheelchair and not been able to get back into it,  she must have hit her head when she fell as well. As gently as possible, Bucky lifted Willow off the ground, she groaned in pain at the sudden movement. Bucky carried her into the living room, holding Willow close to his chest, trying to minimize movement on her spine. 

  Lowering her gently to the couch, Bucky ran into the kitchen and grabbed Willow's phone, she'd written Steve's number down and taped it to the fridge. Bucky dialed the number, and bracing himself, called Steve Rogers.


"Steve, it's me."


"Yes. You need to come over here as quickly as you can. Willow's hurt, and I can't take her to a hospital."

"Stay put Buddy, I'll be over in a few hours."


    Bucky paced around the cabin, waiting anxiously for Steve. When Steve entered the cabin, the first thing he did was tackle Bucky in a hug. It took every bit of will power Bucky Barnes possessed to resist his instinct which was to jump into a defensive stance as soon as Steve tackled him.

 Next Steve took a look at Willow, examining the cut on her forehead. "She'll live, but you did the right thing calling me. I don't have much time, I have to get back."

 "Ahh, what the-?" an angry voice announced that Willow was awake. 

"You fell out of your wheelchair," Steve said, raising an eyebrow at Willow, obviously remembering her joke to him about life alert. 

 Willow saw the look on his face, "Don't you dare."

"Willow, you fell and couldn't get up. Willow Dariela, the SHIELD agent, fell and couldn't get up. That's when she realized she needed life alert," Steve said smirking. 

 Willow threw a pillow at him, "Yeah, whatever you say Grandpa Frisbee."

 "Before I leave, have you made any progress with Bucky?"

"Tons, I've managed to help him find tons of memories from before the war. Especially ones of you, before you were Captain America. You were just a little dandelion floof of concentrated righteous fury back then."

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