Chapter 22

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    Once they were inside the market, Bucky couldn't help but feeling self conscious, even though Willow had fogged everyone's minds so they wouldn't recognize him. He was worried someone would, and that would put both Willow and Lulu in danger. 

 Sensing his agitation, Willow poked him in the ribs, "Chill buddy. They don't recognize you, but your anxiety's getting to me."

 From across the store there was a shout from a man standing by the bar, "Hey honey, you want to me to buy you a drink."

 Lulu looked like she was about to walk over and snap the guys neck, but Willow put a restraining hand on her friend's arm, and whispered, "Resist the urge to murder. Murder is bad."

  Lulu settled on yelling back, "To be honest, I'd just rather have the money."

 It was obvious by the way Lulu reacted that she was used to being cat called. Though Willow was completely ignored. "One of the many pros to being disabled, you don't have to worry about those morons," Willow announced, grabbing a basket and resting it on her lap. 

 As they headed toward the food section, another man yelled, "Hey Beautiful, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

 Tallulah didn't respond, but Willow muttered under her breath, "Nope, but she scraped her knees when she clawed her way up from hell." Lulu snorted, and Bucky couldn't help but smile. But the guy didn't stop with just a shout, he started walking toward the two girls. Bucky clenched his fist, but Willow grabbed his jacket, "Whatever you do, don't hit the guy. Lulu and I can handle this, don't draw attention."

 The two guys walked up to Willow and Lulu, completely ignoring Bucky. "Oh, man, looks like on of 'em did get hurt falling from heaven," he said, pointing at Willow. Bucky could feel the anger building up inside him, but he followed Willow's orders and stayed where he was.

  Willow turned around and replied curtly, "Yes, as a matter of fact I did fall from heaven. I'm a ghost, and I died 15 years ago, just like that pick up line."

 The two men seemed taken aback, Willow took that opportunity to wheel away. Lulu and Bucky followed, Lulu shooting death glares in the guys general direction. 

 As soon as they were out of earshot, Lulu let out an angry growl. "How do you do it Willow?"

"Do what?"

"Deal with those creepers without getting violent."

"Well first because I can't beat them up, what am I going to do run them over with my wheelchair? And second, because replying with intelligence normally makes them give up."

 Lulu grabbed onto the back of Willow's wheelchair, and pushed them along with one foot, like a child might with a cart. "You, my friend, are an inspiration to us all!" she exclaimed. Before losing her grip and slamming  into the ground.

 "Lulu, your going to get us kicked out!"

"Okay MOM, fine, I'll behave."

"Which brings up another point, what were you doing on the side of the road?"

"I was coming to bring you this," Lulu handed Willow a flashdrive. Bucky saw the red star symbol on it, and was immediately suspicious of any information it may contain. 

Shattered Thoughts : Book One(Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now