More Training

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Pixel woke up extremely early the next morning. She shrugged it off and decided to get ready. She went to the closet and typed in different clothing. Today was a pair of dark,jean shorts,a pale red t-shirt,and a dark blue beanie. Pixel slipped her boots on and went out and down the hall. There was already some food on the table.
"Can I serve myself?" she asked a nearby Avox. The Avox nodded. "Okay, thanks," Pixel said. Pixel ate a quick breakfast,then paced the room for a while.
"You do know that you can go to the training center early,right?" Rilanna said as she poured herself a drink. Pixel shook her head.
"No,I didn't," Pixel said.
"Well,now you do. So if you want to do something, that's always an option,". Pixel nodded. She ate a few grapes then headed down to the training center. She appeared to be the only one there when she stepped into the center,though there were workers. "Appeared". Pixel had barely walked into the room when a dagger flew in front of her face. She barely dodged it. Pixel jerked her head in the direction of where the dagger came from. Silver stood by the dummies,tossing a dagger up on the air like a drumstick and catching it perfectly.
"Opps,wrong dummy," she said. Pixel could actually feel the heat from her hair.
"What do you have against me?!" Pixel asked,stalking up to Silver.
"Your taking my place,fire girl,and I don't like people replacing me," she said. "Now shoo before I actually aim," she said. Pixel rolled her eyes and walked away. She could easily hear the thunk as daggers hit their marks on the dummies. One less person to care about at least. Pixel decided to do some climbing to calm herself down. There were plenty of climbing exercises. Pixel decided to climb a rope webbing that reached to the ceiling. She quickly reached it without even tipping the web over. But Pixel needed more to keep her mind off of Silver. She decided to do something incredibly stupid. Pixel climbed from beam to beam. It was actually pretty easy if she didn't look down. Though,Pixel didn't really look anywhere but down. She had rounded the room once when Dell walked in. Pixel smiled,glad for him to finally be in the training center with her. She didn't want to have to deal with Silver again,and Pixel knew that Dell was to nervous to go anywhere close to Silver. Pixel quickly rushed down the rope webbing and ran over to Dell. He smiled when he saw her. Pixel jumped up and Dell caught her in his arms,swinging in a small circle to slow their combined momentum.
"There you are,sleepy head!" Pixel said playfully.
"You shouldn't go off like that,Pix," Dell said,placing Pixel down.
"Yeah,might get hit with a dagger," she said,nodding toward Silver. Dell looked at her curiously,then back at Pixel.
"Maybe she miss-aimed?" Dell tried. Pixel laughed.
"Yea,maybe the girl with perfect aim missed!" Pixel exclaimed sarcastically. Dell ruffled Pixel's hair and shoved her playfully. Pixel pulled his hand off and shoved back.
Before long the other tributes were there. The workers re-stated the rules and everyone dispersed.
"Wanna try monkey bars?" Pixel asked. Dell shrugged.
"Sure. Why not?" The two walked over to them. Pixel went first. After her climb earlier this morning,this was an absolute breeze! Dell on the other hand,not so much. He was about half way across when one hand slipped. He tried wiping the sweat on his hand off on his pants.
"Use your..."
"No," Dell said,cutting off Pixel. "I want actual strength,not chemically enhanced strength," he said firmly. Pixel sighed and nodded her head. She understood what he meant. It dealt as though they had an unfair advantage on this Game. Dell's other hand slipped. "Ahh!" he yelled. Dell landed hard on his wings. The monkey bars had been a good few feet up too, so there was obvious pain. Pixel was immediately at his side.
"Oh my gosh! Dell!" she exclaimed. Dell was trying hard not to scream. "Okay. Okay. Deep breaths," Pixel said,trying to calm both herself and Dell down. "Can you sit up?" Pixel asked once Dell's breathing was closer to normal. He nodded slightly.
"Think so," he muttered through gritted teeth. Pixel helped him sit up.
"Okay,where does it hurt?" Pixel asked.
"Wings," Dell squeaked out. "All wings,". Pixel took one wing and started spreading it out. Dell moaned but nothing more. Pixel then did the same with the other.
"Okay,now I'll help you stand," Pixel said. She helped Dell stand up. "Now can you give me a small flap,". Dell nodded slightly. He gave a small flap. A groan slipped out.
The workers called for lunch break.
"We can wait till after lunch,okay?" Pixel said. Dell nodded. "Can you tuck your wings back in?"
"Yeah," Dell said. He slowly and carefully tucked his wings back in. His face was so pale. Pixel could hardly stand it! Pixel gently led Dell to the room where they all ate. They sat with the Careers again. The Careers explained there day. Pixel talked for herself and Dell,exposing about how Dell had fallen dead on her wings and how she had climbed on the rafters, though she left out the part where she almost got hit in the face by one of Silver's daggers. When Pixel and Dell left linch they worked on survival skills. Mostly on what's safe to eat and what's not. They also went and worked at the camouflage station. Both Pixel and Dell were whizzes at camouflage. The worker at that station was amazed at their amazing artwork. At around seven Pixel and Dell decided to their floor. They each took fast showers and changed into knight clothes. Pixel into grey athletic shorts and a baggy blue t-shirt and Dell in silky long pants and a dark,green tank top. Pixel headed for the door of the room. "Where you going?" Dell asked.
"Roof," Pixel replied simply. Dell came up by her.
"Me too," he said. Pixel shrugged and headed toward the elevator with Dell. We went up to the thirteenth floor and onto the roof. It felt amazing! Especially the cool concrete under their bare feet.
"This is amazing," Pixel said with a sigh.
"Totally," Dell agreed. They stood there in peaceful silence for a while. "So," Dell said,breaking the silence. He turned to look at Pixel and she looked back at him,a smile actually on her face. "A dagger to the face?" he asked. Pixel laughed.
"Yeah,your girlfriend tried to cut my head off with a dagger!" she said.
"Girlfriend?!" Dell practically yelled,his face turning redder than a tomato. Pixel laughed.
"Yeah! She tried to decapitate me!" Pixel tried it breathe through her laughs. "I think she was saying hello from the other side!" Pixel grilled the rail for support because she was laughing so hard. Dell's face was red from anger now.
"You best be lucky we aren't allowed to fight other tributes," he said. He tried to scowl but Pixel could see the smile breaking through.
"Guess I'm the lucky one then," Pixel said,her laughing subsiding. "Oh!" she said,catching her breathe. "That was a good one though. You gotta give me it,". Dell rolled his eyes.
"Never," he said. Pixel glanced out to the city.
"Woah..." she said. "Dell, look,". Pixel pointed out onto the horizon. Dell followed her finger and gazed in awe. The sky was beautifully painted with some many varies colors. It was breathtaking.
"Dude," he said. "That's, that's something,". Pixel smiled. A real,genuine smile.
"Maybe our parents finally got to paint the sky," she said. "It looks like home, after all,". And it did. The mix of dark and light shades. Of greens,purples, blues,and more. It was like the chemicals were in the sky. And it was absolutely amazing.
"Yeah," Dell said,still staring in awe. "Maybe,".

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