The Escape Plan

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    Pixel sat down as the others gathered in a circle. Atom seemed to stay a good distance from her, still feeling her anger toward him. Even though Pixel was still angry with Atom, she enjoyed the night as they talked and laughed through it. At one point, as she noticed Silver wasn't in the circle, she looked around. Silver was propped against the wall, smiling. Probably wishing there was some way to capture the moment.
           ~the next morning~
    It poured rain the following morning. Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder echoed inside the cornucopia. The group all sat in there usual spots for most of the day. Pixel in the back corner. Dil(and yes, this is actually how his name is spelled. According to Cat,aka Silver, who created the character I've been spelling it wrong. So I'm fixing it now) and Aria sat nearby propped against some barrels. Scotty and Moccasin were opposite of them, nearly mirroring their actions. Kara and Silver stood watch at the front of the horn. Atom sat cross-legged near them. Dell was talking to Silver, about what, Pixel couldn't hear.
    After a while, Dell went around to each person and told them something. The person in turn, whoever it was Dell was talking to, got up and walked toward the front. Pixel was the last that Dell reached.
   "We're going to talk about a way out of this place," he explained to Pixel. "We're meeting up front, and since you got that Apple from the edge I feel like you know more than we do about the barrier around this place,". Pixel nodded.
   "I've studied it, just in case," she said as she stood up. The two walked to the front together and joined the conversation.
   "I think Pix has some information about the barrier," Dell said. Every head turned toward Pixel, except Atom. He refused to meet her gaze. Pixel quickly did a recap of what she had done to get the apple, including the fire wall and electric charge.
   "If we can just hack into the fire cannons, or whatever fired the fire, we can easily aim at the wall and break it down," Moccasin said.
    "But what about the other tribute?" Aria asked.
    "There's still one left," Dil added.
    "Well, if my quick calculations are correct, then this storm is supposed to wash out, per say, the final tribute. If the storm stops soon, it worked. If not..." Atom said.
    "If not, then we have to go find them," Dell finished.
    "Right," Atom said.
    "You think their trying to get out, too?" Scotty asked.
    "Quite possibly. Atom, where are the final tribute from, do you know?" Karambit asked.
    "District twelve, Peri Dark, female," Atom said automatically, almost like a droid. Kara nodded.
   "We take her out, then it's game over. Everyone will expect us to turn on each other," she said.
   "So we do them simultaneously," Dell said.
   "What?" Sil asked.
   "We do it simultaneously, you know, at the same time," Dell explained.
   "I think I can draw up a map, but I'll need a view," Pixel said.
   "On it," Dell said.
   "The rest of us will prepare for tomorrow," Silver said. The others nodded.
   Soon Pixel and Dell were soaring through the rain and onto the tallest tree. Pixel swiftly drew what she could see through the rain as Dell used his wings to shield both her and himself. Before long the map was finished and they were back in the cornucopia.
    The two joined in and everything was soon packed into bags. One for each member of the team. Everyone had their weapons at their side and were prepared to leave at any minute.
   "We should leave at midnight," Kara suggested.
   "It's about eight now, from what I can tell," Atom said, glancing outside.
   "We should get some sleep," Dil said. The others nodded.
   "I'm ready for this crap to end," Pixel thought as she settled down for a nap. Soon, they'd go to the edge, face the obstacles, and get the heck out of here.

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