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   Pixel got up before sunrise. She walked toward the edge of the woods,hoping no one would notice her exit. But of course,someone did.
   "Pix,where are you going?" Dell asked sleepily. Pixel let out a slight groan.
   "For a walk," she said a bit more harshly than she intended. Dell stayed quiet for a moment.
   "Pix,about Sil..."
   "I don't want to hear about Silver!" Pixel yelled,turning to face Dell with a turn of her heel. "She murdered an innocent lover just because she could! It wasn't even in self defense! Do you really think I want to talk to her or even about her? I just...want to be alone," she said. Poxel turned away from Dell. "I'm going to look through the forest for spare food," she said.
   "But Pix,we have plen..." Dell began.
   "I said,I'm going to the forest for food," Pixel said bitterly. Dell began to protest,but held his tongue.
   "Be safe," he whispered, turning back to the corn. Pixel looked over her shoulder at Dell's retreating figure. She had come off a bit harsh. Pixel turned back toward the forest and went into it. It didn't matter anymore. All Pixel wanted to do was get away from Silver and Karambit,along with their murderous ways. Pixel took out a dagger and slashed at the plants that got in her way. She didn't even care where she was going. She was getting as far away from camp as possible. Pixel wandered for miles,losing track of time quickly. She seemed to be in some sort of daze that she didn't even notice herself. It wasn't until she noticed a torn path that she hadn't created that snapped her out of it.
    "What in the world?" she wondered. "I know I haven't been this way yet,". Pixel quietly followed the trail, climbing up a nearby tree and going from tree to tree so she stayed out of view of anyone else. Before long, two unfamiliar voices reached her ears.
   "Sis,you've got to eat something! You're going to get sick!" a boy's voice said. The voice was followed by a series of coughs from the same person.
   "You're the one that needs to eat,you're sick. I don't even know how," a girl's voice said.
   "Well," the boy's voice said,sounding quieter and weaker than before. "I did seek refuge in that river,". He laughed softly and coughed again. The girl sighed.
   "You can be such a stupid older brother sometimes," she said.
   "Love you too,Lightning," the boy said.
   "Shush,Thunder,you're going to loose your voice if you keep this up," Lightning said quietly.
   Pixel decided to sneak a little closer. Quietly,she snuck through the next few trees until she could see the siblings. Once they were in Pixel's view,it was obvious that they were twins. Both of them had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. They reminded Pixel of Gig's eyes. God,she missed that kid. Maybe she could make it back to him in one piece.
   Pixel turned back to the siblings. Thunder really was sick,bad. Pixel looked around,having a sudden idea. She found a camera hidden in the tree.
   "If any of you are out there watching,which you probably are,if any of you are my sponsors,please send me some medicine for an extreme cold. Please," she begged into the camera. Pixel looked up at the sky, praying that someone would fulfill her cry for help.
   She had almost given up hope by now. It had been at least thirty minutes. Pixel stared sadly at the twins, wishing someone could help them from her unseen spot.
   "I'm sorry," she whispered. Tears threatened to come out of Pixel's eyes.   
   Something rustled in the trees above her. Pixel looked up and saw a small box with a parachute floating down toward her. Pixel quickly grabbed the box and opened it. Inside was a bottle of medicine. Pixel smiled as she recognized the bottle. It was the same medicine she had used when she had extreme colds during the winter. Pixel turned to the sky.
   "Thank you," she whispered. Pixel silently got out of the tree and walked as close as she dared to the twins' camp. Thunder was fast asleep and Lightning was scavenging what food they had left. Pixel pulled out a bag filled with berries and one filled with meat along with a water bottle. "Lightning," Pixel said, carefully coming out of the bushes where she was standing. Lightning immediately reacted and drew a small knife. She relaxed slightly at the sight of the box and food.
   "Yes?" Lightning said warily.
   "I'm Pixel Firefly,District three," Pixel introduced herself.
   "Lightning Boom,District five,but you probably new that," Lightning said. Pixel nodded.
    "Yes,but I didn't come to chat,I have something for you," Pixel said,adding the last part before Lightning could jump to conclusions. Pixel slowly walked closer to Lightning. Lightning lowered her weapon,though was still slightly stiff. Pixel set the box along with the food and water down at Lightning's feet,showing that she wouldn't attack and would t care anyways. Pixel stood up and backed away from Lightning,keeping her hands visible. Lightning,still watching Pixel,picked up the good and box. She set the food and water into her back. She slowly opened the box. Her face turned from nervous to confused to shock.
   "Is this..?" she asked.
   "Medicine for your brother," Pixel said. Lightning looked at Pixel in disbelief.
   "Thank you," she said. Lightning set the box down and walked over to Pixel. Se threw her arms around Pixel's neck and hugged her. Pixel smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you," she repeated. Lightning released Pixel from the hug.
   "We're suppose to help each other,and helping is my specialty," Pixel said. She looked up at the sky and noticed it was growing dark. Pixel gave Lightning one last smile. "Stay warm,and take care of him," she said. Pixel then went back into the forest and climbed the trees, making her way back to camp. She whistled a song from a dream she had had when she was a kid. Pixel grinned when she heard several birds echo and add onto her melody. Before long she was back at the camp. She could see Dell pacing frantically,his wings clearly blazing. Pixel went over to Dell.
   "There you are!" he yelled when he saw her. "Do you know how long you've been gone?!"
   "All day?" Pixel said.
   "All day! Do you know how worried I was!?"  Pixel laughed and hugged Dell.
   "I found two tributes," Pixel whispered. Dell stayed silent. He was shocked. "I asked for medicine from the sponsors and got it. I gave it to the tributes. The boy was sick. I gave them food,too,". Pixel pulled away from Dell. His wings were only sparking now. He stared at Pixel in shock. "Please,don't tell Silver,". Dell smiled softly at Pixel.
   "I won't," he said. "Promise,now let's get some sleep," he said. Pixel smiled back. The two walked into the corn. Pixel saw Silver look toward her,her expression hard yet asking for forgiveness. Pixel turned her gaze away and walked to the back of the horn. She sat down and wrapped up in a blanket. Dell looked from Pixel to Silver. He squared down by Silver and began talking to her. Pixel didn't care to attempt to listen. Atom walked over to Pixel.
   "You okay?" he asked, sitting down by her. Pixel shrugged.
   "I don't know. This is just so...hectic," she said.
   "I know,it's crazy," Atom agreed. "Speaking of crazy, have we figured out a plan to get out of here yet?" he asked. Pixel face-palmed.
   "No," she groaned. "We'll probably have to soon,there aren't many people left. Other than us,there's only four tributes. It's depressing really," she said. Atom stared at his shoes,his glowing,green hair falling in his face.
   "Yeah,I know what you mean," he said. He looked up and smiled softly at Pixel. "Maybe sleep will help,you look pretty tired," he said. Pixel yawned.
   "Yeah,maybe sleep will help," she said,quickly dozing off with Atom sleeping beside her.

   Hey! I'm back and not dead. So that's good. Sorry about the long wait,but it's here now! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Maybe I'll be getting them out quicker since I'm only working on a few stories instead of ten million. Though I probably won't be dead on my usual schedule because school's started up and eighth grade sucks. Anyways,hope you like this chapter.
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