Final Training Day

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   Pixel woke up to the sound of shuffling. She kept her eyes nearly shut,only open enough to see what was going on. Dell was easing out of bed. He rubbed his head,yawned,and stood up. He walked over to the door. He looked over at Pixel before heading out.
"And where do you think you're going?" Pixel thought. She eased out of bed and followed Dell. He went into an elevator. Pixel slipped in behind him and his in the dark corner so he wouldn't see her. Dell pushed the button that went to the gym. "Why would he go to the gym at midnight?" Pixel thought. The elevator doors opened and Dell stepped out. Pixel followed, staying hidden. The doors to the gym opened smoothly and easily when Dell pulled on them. Pixel slipped in behind him. The light were off,yet there was a light over by the punching bags. Silver stood in candlelight,hitting the bags with as much force as she probably could. Dell gulped and walked toward her. Pixel hid behind down equipment. "Dell,please don't," Pixel thought as Dell advanced closer to Silver. Dell cleared his throat. Silver jumped at the sudden new sound.
"Silver.." Dell started.
"Just leave me alone,Dell," Silver snapped. She picked up the handle to the candle holder.
"Silver,please. Let me talk to you,". Silver shoved past him. Pixel could see she was fighting back tears.
"Just,leave me alone!" Silver shouted. She rushed out of the room. Dell followed her,and Pixel followed him. Dell slammed his fists against the closing elevator doors. He looked up. The elevator was going to the roof. He quickly stepped ink another elevator and hit the "13" button. Pixel didn't have enough time to follow him,but she knew where he was going. She got into a separate elevator and went to floor thirteen. It wasn't that she didn't trust Dell or even Silver. But Silver seemed unstable,and Pixel had to protect Dell. The doors opened silently. Pixel could see the light of Dell's wings as he rounded the corner to go to the roof. Pixel quickly and quietly followed. Pixel eased out of the door and behind a generator of some sort. Probably for air conditioning. Dell walked up to Silver,who was leaning on the railing. Pixel could hear her crying. She felt sympathy for Silver,sort of.
"Why won't you just leave me alone!" Silver shouted through her cries. "It would be so much easier if you'd just...stop,". Dell leaned on the railing beside Silver.
"Because,I care for you too," he said.
"But Dell I..."
"It's okay," Dell cut her off. "You don't have to say it. I already know,".
"It's just that,you already have Pixel and I don't want to get in the way of that but I...I love you Dell. Like,really love you,". Dell wiped away one of Silver's tears.
"I love you too,Silver," Dell said.
"But,what about Pixel?" Silver asked,confused.
"It's,complicated. But completely different," he said. Silver sighed,wiping away her tears.
"I get it. It's not like we could've done anything together though,". Pixel decided now was a good time to leave. She eased back down the stairs, shutting the doors behind her.
"Oh!" she exclaimed quietly. Atom barely caught her before Pixel fell to the ground. She had run smack into him.
"You okay Pixel?" Atom asked,helping her stand up right.
"Yeah," she said. "Just, wasn't paying attention,". Atom smiled gently.
"Okay,just checking,". Atom started heading toward the stairs.
"Wait!" Pixel said. In an attempt to stop him,Pixel grabbed Atom's hand. They both blushed. "Silver and Dell are having a heart to heart moment," Pixel explained. Atom nodded.
"Okay,". He two stood there for a minute. Then Atom looked down. "I'm not saying that you should,but you could let go of my hand you know," Atom said after some silence. Pixel immediately dropped his hand.
"Oh! Sorry! I just..uh..." Pixel blushed even more. "I don't have a good excuse," she admitted. Atom laughed.
"It's fine. I enjoyed it!" Pixel looked away from Atom as her hair started getting hot. "You should go on to bed though,before you get caught,".
"Oh! Right! Uh,thanks again,Atom," Pixel said,her face still extremely red.
"No prob,that's what friends are for anyways,". Pixel then headed back to her room and went to sleep. To absolutely no surprise, she dreamed of Atom that night,just like the first night they had met.
Pixel woke up before Dell. She assumed he had stayed up some time later talking to Silver. Pixel typed in clothes in the closet. She quickly threw on the navy blue athletic shorts and pale turquoise with pale red lining shirt on. She slipped her boots on,took one more look at the peaceful look on Dell's face,and headed out the door and down the hall. She grabbed a banana and went straight to the elevator. She had finished eating by the time she had reached the training center. She chunked her peek into a trash bin and headed over to the punching bags. She hit those until the other tributes filed in. Once a worker explained the rules of the center for the final time,Pixel moved on to he bows. She tried out multiple bows and found that she preferred either wooden or golden best. She smiled when Dell came over and challenged her for a shoot off.
"You ready to go down?" Dell asked as he pulled back the violet arrow in the diamond bow. Pixel pulled back a blood red arrow in the golden bow.
"I'm prepared to beat you're butt!" she replied. And she did too! The worker had times them with one minute and whoever hit the most shots won. Pixel won easily.
"Alright,you win. You win," Dell said,pretending to be upset but smiling anyways. "But I bet I could beat you in throwing axes," he said with a smirk. The workers called the tributes for lunch break.
"Oh,I know you can beat me in throwing axes!" Pixel said as the two headed off to lunch. They sat with the Careers again. Nothing really happened. They all just talked. Silver seemed to be in a remarkably better mood though,which made Pixel feel as though Dell actually broke through to her. Of course,that thought was short lived when Silver challenged Pixel to a throwing knives contest. Silver beat Pixel by one point. "Nice throwing," Pixel said once they had finished.
"You're not to bad yourself," Silver said with a mischievous smirk she then walked over to Karambit and talked to her. Pixel went over and worked with different swords for the rest of the day. She found that the golden one suited her best. When she finally left the training center she was exhausted.
"And don't forget, tomorrow you preform in front of the judges and get you're scores!" Bellina called after Pixel and Dell as they made there way to their room. They didn't even bother to pull the curtain while they can fed into their pj's because they were so tired. Pixel crashed into the bed. Right before she fell asleep she felt Dell pull the covers up onto her.
"Good night,Pixel," he whispered.
"Night night,Dell," she barely got out. Pixel them fell sound asleep. Absolutely nothing could've women Pixel up,no matter how hard it may have tried.

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